Reference no: EM131717565
Problem Statement
The healthcare field has been instrumental in offering care, support, and treatment to patients suffering from various illnesses. Patients require care in variety of levels; ranging from standard to critical care. CAUTIs are one of the most common hospital acquired infections (HAI) associated with the critical patient. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a great concern for the intensive care unit (ICU) patient due to the common use of inserting indwelling urinary catheters. Indwelling urinary catheters are necessary in the ICU population for accurate measurements of urine output and core temperature (Temiz et al., 2012). The use of an indwelling urinary catheter increases the risk of the critically ill patient to acquire UTIs as compared to other patient populations. According to Lee, Kim and Cho (2013) the presence of indwelling urinary catheter in critical care patients makes them vulnerable to CAUTI. Lee et al (2013) states that due to the effects of the indwelling catheter, which are more critical at this stage of illness. There are several studies that focus on CAUTI within the acute care setting, but few studies explore the critical care adult population. Daniels, Lee & Frei (2014) studied the trend of CAUTI within the acute adult care setting in a nine-year time frame. Increased catheterization in the ICU adult patients facilitate the occurrence of bacterium in the urinary catheter. This increases the risk of the critical care patient acquiring CAUTI as the duration of the patient's stay in ICU increases (Derya-Keten & Keten, 2014)
The purpose of this research question is to explore the factors that affect hospital acquired CAUTI in the adult critical care population.
EBP question What factors affect hospital catheter acquired urinary tract infections (CAUTI) in the adult critical care population
Literature Review
Research Synthesis
Clinical Protocol
"(Excerpt from grading rubric) Clinical guideline is clear, comprehensive, and justified by evidence. Guideline is introduced to help users understand the purpose as well as the process. Expected patient outcomes to be used for evaluation are identified and realistic."
Implementation Plan
-include timeline
-include criteria for outcome evaluation
-Barriers/Obstacles should be identified and addressed
"The implementation plan for the protocol should include a timeline with criteria for evaluating the outcomes. Barriers/Obstacles or drivers for change should be identified and addressed."
"(Excerpt from grading Rubric) Plan for implementation (including timeline and criteria for evaluating outcomes) is detailed, clear, and feasible. Barriers and drivers for change are identified and addressed in implementation plan"