Explore the cost concepts affecting managerial decisions

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133203215 , Length: Words Count:2900



Prepare a report undertaking an economic analysis of an organisation of your choice, its markets and the wider macroeconomic context using evidence drawn from company reports, market reports, market data and academic journal articles, etc.

The report should include:

i) a description of the organisation's basic characteristics;

Describe the firm's main product(s) / lines of business and the internal organisational structure of the firm (e.g. U-form, M-form etc.).

Outline and explore the production and cost concepts affecting managerial decisions: economies of scale, relation between fixed and variable costs; the state of technology in the sector in which the firm operates and the degree of technological uncertainty involved.

ii) an analysis of the markets and economic environment in which it operates;

Analyse the markets within which the firm operates (market structure as implied by number of competitors, market concentration, entry barriers and extent of product differentiation; degree of innovation; availability of substitutes and nature of complementary products and markets). Use information on relevant elasticities and / or demonstrate how such information, if available, could be used to inform managerial decisions.

Assess the economic environment in which your chosen firm operates (domestic / international / global; macroeconomic conditions; international trade conditions, exchange rate volatility; institutional and regulatory environment, (effect of) government policies).

iii) an assessment of the firm'srecent and likely future performance;

Relative to a key competitor in the firm's main sector, assess the firm's performance over the previous 5+ years, including in relation to profitability; market share; and innovation (introduction of new products / processes and creation of new markets).

Outline the firm's recent strategy and, based on all the data above and your preceding analysis, assess its likely performance prospects over the next 5 years.

Note that your mark will depend primarily on the extent to which your report demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the economic concepts developed in the module and your ability to apply these in analysing your chosen organisation; the selection and use of data is also important.


Managerial Economics

By Don Webber

Reference no: EM133203215

Questions Cloud

Calculate the yearly economic growth rate : Calculate the yearly economic growth rate and highlight periods of recession and expansions. Prince Sultan University. ECON 207.
Evaluate effects supply and demand of oil in the oil market : You are asked to evaluate the effects that the following scenarios will have on the supply and demand of oil in the oil market.
Explaining the concepts of marginal analysis : Pay attention to your audience. Remember that you are explaining the concepts of marginal analysis. Rasmussen University.
Describe three major components of money management : Describe three major components of money management and how they can be used in the personal money management process.
Explore the cost concepts affecting managerial decisions : Outline and explore the production and cost concepts affecting managerial decisions: economies of scale, relation between fixed.
Explain the real gross domestic product growth rates : Explain the Real Gross Domestic Product growth rates from 1994 to 2021 along with Unemployment rate by race from 1994 to 2021. Bowie State University. ECON 321.
Calculate consumer surplus for both markets individually : Calculate consumer surplus for both markets individually and profits under a uniform price and local geographic prices.
How physical environment of cave affect the rescue plan : How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan? Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree?
How employers do proactively avoid age discrimination : What do you think is the most effective suggested solution and why? What else might employers do to proactively avoid age discrimination?


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