Reference no: EM133820014
Assignment: Reflection & Goal Setting
You have now completed the foundational skills for developing multi-page, data-driven MVC web applications. From this point forward, while you are continuing to learn more advanced MVC development skills, you will be wearing the hat of an application developer, including interpreting, and implementing user requirements (through the Agile approach of user stories - these user stories will be provided for you in the practice exercises).
Reflect on what was covered so far this semester, including the activities, homework, and overall, what you have learned during these first four modules.
A. What is going well for you, and what thing(s) do you feel you need improvement (Note: This may be things directly related to the course content, such as creating a database, using Bootstrap, or querying data using LINQ - or maybe more general things such as time management.)
B. What is a goal you would like to set for yourself to address the areas you feel need(s) improvement (this could be anything from completing more practice, looking for additional resources, or implementing a time management strategy). See the following for more information on setting goals The Smarter Side of Life.
Module I: Introduction to web programming and ASP.NET Core MVC. The focus of this module is to introduce you to the basics of web application development using ASP.NET Core MVC. Chapter 1 in your textbook is covered in this module; you will learn how web applications work in general, and how ASP.NET Core MVC web applications work. When you finish this module, you will have the background that you need to learn how to develop your own ASP.NET Core MVC apps.
Module/Student Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives Being Met
Module/Student Learning Outcome:
1. Explore the components of a web application.
2. Identify and describe the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
3. Explain how to code by convention in MVC.
4. Describe how a controller passes a model to a view.
5. Use Razor code, tag helpers, and Bootstrap CSS classes in a view.
6. Create a basic MVC web application using Visual Studio
7. Modify programming code in an existing MVC web application.
Module II: Develop a single-page MVC web app. Module 2 covers Chapter 2 in the textbook. Chapter 2 covers the basics for developing your own single-page MVC web application. The focus of this module is for you to learn how to create a Core MVC web app including the foundational components of creating your own model, controller, and files for a view, as well as run and fix errors in an app. You will also implement validation for end-user input. When you finish this module, you will have the background that you need for the next step in Chapter 3, which is to make web applications responsive with Bootstrap and enhance the end user experience using CSS, Bootstrap, and Font Awesome.
Module/Student Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives Being Met
Module/Student Learning Outcome:
1. Create and debug a single-page Core MVC web app
2. Describe how a controller and its action methods work
3. Configure the HTTP request and response pipeline
4. Use a ViewBag property to transfer data from a controller to a view
5. Understand how to work with a model
6. Organize files for a view
7. Describe the purpose of a Razor view imports page, Razor view start, and Razor layout
8. Create a strongly typed view using the @model directive and asp-for tag helpers.
9. Apply asp-controller and asp-action tag helpers to specify the controller and action method for a form or a link.
10. Develop action methods using HttpGet and HttpPost attributes to handle HTTP Get or POST requests
11. Implement validation for user input
Module III: Make a web app responsive with Bootstrap. Module 3 covers chapter 3 in the textbook. The focus of this module is to make your web applications responsive so that they look good on multiple devices. Since so many users browse websites with devices such as phones that have small screens, it is important to make your web apps look good on devices of every size. To do that, you can use Bootstrap, which is a client-side library that provides CSS and JavaScript to make your web apps responsive. You will also use CSS and Font Awesome to enhance your user interface that improves the appearance of your apps and makes them more user friendly. When you finish this module, you will have the skills to improve the appearance of your apps and will be ready to create data-driven ASP.NET MVC applications by including a SQL Server database.
Module/Student Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives Being Met
Module/Student Learning Outcome:
1. Describe responsive web designs
2. Install client-side libraries
3. Apply basic Bootstrap classes.
4. Design web pages with more Bootstrap CSS classes and components.
5. Apply Font-Awesome to enhance the appearance of your application.
6. Create navigation bars.
Module IV: Develop a data-driven MVC web app. Module 4 covers Chapter 4 in the textbook. The focus of this module is to learn how to build a multi-page, data-driven ASP.NET MVC web app. The app will display data that's stored in a database and allow users to add, update, and delete that data. Microsoft's Entity Framework (EF) Core will be used to work with two related tables in an SQL Server database. When you finish this module, you will have completed the foundational skills to create a fully functioning multi-page data-driven web application. Once you complete Module 4 you have the essential skills and knowledge needed for developing an app for your final project, you will want to begin thinking about what you want to develop for your final project. You will also be ready for the next Module, which is to explore advanced topics related to improving the URLs and Razor views in your applications, making them more professional and user-friendly.
Module/Student Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives Being Met
Module/Student Learning Outcome:
1. Identify the files and folders in the Solution Explorer of a data-driven application.
2. Explain the function of EF Core and add it to an application.
3. Create two related tables in SQL Server database using EF Core.
4. Create a DbContext class and seed initial data.
5. Describe the purpose of a connection string.
6. Add a connection string to the appsettings.json file.
7. Enable dependency injection in an application.
8. Identify and execute commands to use migrations to create the database.
9. Understand the programming logic in controllers and views for adding, editing, and deleting data.
10. Implement adding, editing, and deleting data in an application.