Explore the challenges the ceo has face in global operations

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133539085

Homework: International Management


Presents a study of the challenges that confront managers of organizations and individuals in global settings. Special focus is placed on benefits of diversity derived from interactions between different cultures. The course also covers an overview of markets, governments, and organizations as well as a general overview of the concepts of internationalization in contemporary business.

Textbook: Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2021). International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

A. Categorize consequences of globalization on countries around the world.

B. Compare and contrast the impact of different political, legal, and economic systems on international management.

C. Defend ethics and social responsibility in international management.

D. Evaluate the cultural challenges of managing an international business.

E. Analyze important elements of effective cross-cultural negotiation and communication.

F. Examine international management strategies that emphasize global integration versus local adaptation.

G. Compare and contrast the entry methods and approaches tailored to international business organizations.

H. Assess political risks of international organizations managing their relationships with national governments.

Academic Integrity

Honesty and integrity are taken very seriously at Waldorf University. All students should be familiar with the Waldorf University Academic Integrity Policy (found in the current Student Handbook) and the consequences that will result from breaches of this policy.


A. Study Guide: Course units contain a Study Guide that provides students with the learning outcomes, unit lesson, required unit resources, homeworks, and supplemental resources.

B. Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit.

C. Unit Lesson: Unit Lessons, which are located in the Study Guide, discuss lesson material.

D. Required Unit Resources: Units contain Required Unit Resources from one or more chapters from the textbook and/or outside resources.

E. Suggested Unit Resources: Suggested Unit Resources are listed within the Study Guide. Students are encouraged to read the resources listed if the opportunity arises, but they will not be tested on their knowledge of the Suggested Unit Resources.

F. Learning Activities (Nongraded): Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study.

G. Discussion Boards: Students are required to submit Discussion Board posts in Units I-VIII. Discussion Boards provide students the opportunity for student-to-student and professor-to-student interaction based on relevant course concepts and ideas. Specific information about accessing the Discussion Board rubric is provided below.

H. Unit Quizzes: This course contains Unit Quizzes. It is suggested that the quizzes be completed before students complete the Unit Assessments. Quizzes are used to give students quick feedback on their understanding of the unit material.

I. Unit Assessments: This course contains Unit Assessments, which test student knowledge on important aspects of the course. These tests may come in many different forms, ranging from multiple choice to written response questions.

J. Unit Homeworks: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Homeworks. Specific information and instructions regarding these homeworks are provided below. Grading rubrics are included with each homework. Specific information about accessing these rubrics is provided below.

K. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides students with an opportunity to ask their professor general questions or questions related to course content.

L. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with other classmates.


Unit III PowerPoint Presentation

The functions of management are essentially the same everywhere, but the functions are often performed differently in different countries as a result of culture.

In this homework you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that explores how the nine Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) cultural dimensions can affect many aspects of management functions or responsibilities-planning, communication, decision-making, risk management, ethics, social responsibility, human resource management-in an international business environment.

Your PowerPoint presentation must accomplish the following:

1. Address all nine GLOBE cultural dimensions.

2. For each dimension, you must correlate at least one management aspect that can be impacted by it. You must correlate each of the seven aspects listed above, and then use two additional aspects of your choice. You may choose any management aspect that applies to international business; however, you may only use each aspect once. Each dimension should be correlated to a distinct aspect.

3. For each aspect/dimension correlation, offer a real-world example to illustrate the impact. Explain how the cultural dimension applies in each of your examples. Examples may also only be used once, resulting in each correlation having a unique example.

4. Use the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint for each content slide to elaborate on the slide content. Each slide must have at least 50 words of Speaker Notes.

5. Use at least two sources to support your presentation, one of which may be your textbook.

6. Be creative in choosing your examples. You are encouraged to present examples from a wide variety of cultures or regions. For instance, try not to limit your examples to all Latin American countries or cultures. Choose examples that demonstrate your understanding of how the dimensions are applied globally.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 10 slides, not counting the title or reference slide. You must use at least three sources to support your presentation, one of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used must have APA Style citations and references. APA formatting is otherwise not required.

Unit VII Case Study

For this homework, you will apply your knowledge of course concepts in writing a case study focusing on a top performing chief executive officer (CEO) of a multinational corporation (MNC) and the leadership and management issues they face doing business on a global scale in the 21st century.

Begin by researching the rankings of top performing CEOs of MNCs. Suggestions include the following:

1. Phebe Novakovic (General Dynamics)
2. Tim Cook (Apple)
3. Susan Wojciki (YouTube)
4. Sundar Pichal (Google)
5. Elon Musk (Tesla/SpaceX)
6. Albert Bourla (Pfizer)
7. Mary Barra (General Motors)

Choose one CEO (they may be from this list or your own selection). Begin your paper with an introduction summarizing their background and career. Write a case study that accomplishes the following:

1. Describe the company, its product(s), and its target market.

2. Summarize the company's global presence. Where do they physically operate? Where do they sell their product or service?

3. Identify and summarize the CEO's leadership style. Discuss positive and negative characteristics/traits of the CEO. What makes them effective as a global leader of an MNC?

4. What makes this CEO effective at cross-cultural communication and negotiation?

5. Discuss how the CEO promotes ethics and social responsibility through their leadership and strategies.

6. Characterize the organizational culture of the company and how this affects the CEO's management across cultures. Using specific examples from at least two different cultures, explain how culture affects the CEO's decision-making and leadership actions.

7. Explore the challenges the CEO has faced in global operations.

8. Assess potential challenges this company and CEO may face in the future doing business on a global scale.

Your case study should demonstrate an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. Your case study must be at least five but no more than seven pages, not counting the title and reference pages. You must use at least five academic or industry reliable sources to support your case study. One of these sources must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used must have citations and references in APA Style. APA formatting is otherwise not required.

Unit VIII Essay

The purpose of this homework is for you to analyze multinational corporations (MNCs) to make employment decisions (i.e., do you really want to work for this organization or corporation based on the information you discover?) and to assess the human resource practices used in international business. This homework will allow you to apply concepts learned in this unit and enhance your research, analysis, and decision-making skills as an international manager.

First select a global industry that interests you. If you do not have a favorite yet, consider an industry (e.g., communications, banking, broadcasting, entertainment, administration) that you aspire to work in. Once you have selected a global industry, use your preferred internet search engine to select and research an MNC on which to base this homework. You may not choose an MNC for which you currently or have previously worked.

Once you have selected an MNC for which you aspire to work, write an essay based on your research that evaluates the MNC and characterizes why you would want to work there. Your essay must accomplish the following:

1. Begin with an introduction that gives a brief overview of the MNC to include its industry, product or services, operating locations, and mission.

2. Analyze the political, legal/regulatory, and technological factors that affect the MNC's human resource management efforts.

3. Identify sources that are used to fill organizational management positions.

4. Examine an international job listing for this MNC in which you might be interested. Evaluate the selection criteria, and discuss how the selection criteria and processes are impacted by culture and the global business environment.

5. What culture-specific training or professional development is offered or would be needed for you to be successful in the selected overseas position in this MNC?

6. Identify motivational processes and other factors specific to how this MNC operates in a cross-cultural environment that would factor into your decision-making process of wanting to work there.

7. Finally, conclude your essay with a summary of how your values, cultural competence, ethics, and understanding of international business best practices aligns with or differs from those of the MNC. Would you choose to work here based on what you have learned in this course about international management?

Reference no: EM133539085

Questions Cloud

How you are planning to lead change in organizations : The diary entries for each class session should clearly describe your lessons learned, including how you are planning to lead change in organizations.
Define procedural fairness and direct evidence : Define Procedural Fairness? Define direct evidence? Define undertaking? Explain the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom? Define Cabinet
Global security issues-geopolitics and globalization : What are the differences between a State Actor and Non State Actor? How do they impact geopolitics and globalization?
Explain the rationale for the osh act : Briefly explain the rationale for the OSH Act. List five employer responsibilities and five employee rights under the OSH Act.
Explore the challenges the ceo has face in global operations : BUS 4426- What makes this CEO effective at cross-cultural communication and negotiation? Explore the challenges the CEO has faced in global operations.
Set-up a company in xero with opening conversion balances : ACCT5014 Intermediate Corporate Accounting, Curtin University - Prepare a concise report for the Managing Director explaining the financial performance
Voluntarily turned over to custody of the state : John is voluntarily turned over to the custody of the state of Florida. John is autistic. He is placed in a foster home with five other children.
Proportional to racial composition of the community : All local communities receiving FHA loans must have police forces that are racially proportional to the racial composition of the community
Testify via closed-circuit television : A state law reads as follows, Any child that is abused by a parent shall have the right to testify via closed-circuit television.


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