Reference no: EM132697251
Social Forces, Gangs, and Crime -
The focus of this assignment is on social process theory: the socialized to crime perspective on criminality. Social learning, social control, and social reaction (labeling) theories view crime as a function of people's interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society. The socialization process is very influential in human development. According to this theory, all people regardless of race, class, or gender have the potential to become delinquents and/or criminals.
Question 1: Select a gang or group within a large urban area or city.
Question 2: Explore the burdens of social class, poverty, racism, poor schools, and dysfunctional families, and the possible impact of these social forces on criminality in such a setting.
Question 3: Explain how these negative social forces might be counteracted by positive peer relations, a supportive family, educational success, and structured religious beliefs using social and criminal justice initiatives.
Question 4: Explore the overall relationship between social class and crime. Most residents of the inner-city refrain from criminal activity, and those who do commit crimes, age out over time. Why?