Explore sustainability in context of supply chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133652438


Sustainability ~ Term Paper


In today's world, sustainability and environmental responsibility have become crucial considerations for businesses across various industries. As companies strive to minimize their environmental impact and contribute to a greener future, Supply Chain Management (SCM) plays a pivotal role in driving sustainability efforts. SCM involves the end-to-end coordination of processes, from sourcing raw materials to delivering products to customers and handling returns. It presents an excellent opportunity for companies to integrate environmentally friendly practices throughout their operations.

Assignment Overview

You will explore sustainability in the context of Supply Chain Management (SCM). Your task is to select a company of your choice, assess its sustainability efforts from the perspective of SCM, and provide recommendations for enhancing its environmental practices.

List of Companies (Choose One)

Apple Inc., Dell Technologies Inc., HP Inc., Nike, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Inc., Nestlé S.A., McDonald's Corporation, Target Corporation, Walmart Inc., Amazon.com, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, General Electric Company, Intel Corporation, Tesla, Inc., 3M Company, Ford Motor Company, Merck


  1. Choose a Company: Select a company from the list provided above that interests you or aligns with your coursework. Ensure the company has publicly available Sustainability/ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reports, which will serve as valuable resources for your analysis.
  2. Defining Sustainability (Academic and Personal Perspective): Begin by defining sustainability based on academic sources, citing one reputable resource. Highlight the core principles and concepts surrounding sustainability. Additionally, reflect on your personal perspective of sustainability and discuss how businesses can contribute to addressing global environmental challenges.
  3. Carbon Footprint and SCM Practices: Analyze the company's most recent ESG report to find their carbon footprint data. Provide information on the company's carbon emissions, including any reduction targets or initiatives mentioned in their report. Evaluate the effectiveness of their current SCM practices in reducing their carbon footprint.
  4. Sustainable Design and SCM: Examine the company's approach to sustainable design and product development from their ESG report. Explain how SCM is integrated into their sustainable design process and propose possible improvements.
  5. Sustainable Sourcing and SCM: Explore the company's responsible sourcing strategies and practices from their ESG report. Discuss the role of SCM in promoting sustainable sourcing and propose ways to enhance transparency and sustainability efforts.
  6. Sustainable Manufacturing and SCM: Highlight the company's eco-friendly manufacturing practices based on their ESG report. Assess how SCM contributes to their sustainable manufacturing efforts and recommend potential enhancements.
  7. Sustainable Delivery and SCM: Investigate the company's green logistics initiatives and sustainable last-mile delivery options from their ESG report. Evaluate the effectiveness of SCM strategies for sustainable delivery and suggest improvements.
  8. Sustainable Returns and SCM: Examine the company's sustainable returns management and reverse logistics practices from their ESG report. Comment on how SCM contributes to their sustainability efforts and recommend ways to improve the process.
  9. Conclusion: In your conclusion, summarize the company's sustainability efforts based on their ESG report, including their carbon footprint data. Emphasize the significance of Supply Chain Management in supporting sustainability goals and propose overall recommendations for the company to enhance their environmental performance.


Use the Coca-Cola Company as the topic, and five to seven pages not including APA citations.

Reference no: EM133652438

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