Explore role capitalism plays in corporate decision making

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131707146


Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers' choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment, you will choose one (1) industry to write about. Possible industries to research could be tobacco, soda, alcohol, casinos, or candy companies, just to name a few.

Write a one and a half to two page paper in which you:

Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.

Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making.

Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.

Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities, and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.

Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.

Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM131707146

Questions Cloud

Would his style of leadership be recognizable to the maisin : How does Ongka'sMoka illustrate the principles (and limitations) that underlie the exercise of power and leadership in his community (the Kawelka)?
Major part of our society in the us : How have hate crimes become a major part of our society in the U.S.? Do you believe that these types of crimes are more or less prevalent in our modern society?
Define the group can influence the style of presentation : do you feel like it is easier to deliver an impromptu presentation with a smaller group, so that the setting is more intimate
How the price for the sales might be determined : Include a discussion of any significant risks associated with her proposal. Make a recommendation with respect to how the price for these sales might.
Explore role capitalism plays in corporate decision making : Explore the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making. Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest.
Shape our everyday interactions : How does virtual networking (Facebook, Instagram, Vine etc.) shape our everyday interactions? What are the positive and negative effects
Demonstrate how it has become mcdonaldized : Choose an institution (for example, higher education or healthcare) and demonstrate how it has become McDonaldized, being sure to illustrate.
Organizations of which you are a member : Describe the two groups. How do they differ in terms of leadership, membership, purpose, and activities? What is your role in the group?
What is your opinion on healthcare in the united states : What is your opinion on healthcare in the United States, Is it adequate, How can healthcare delivery be improved in the United States


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