Explore other educational opportunities in the meantime

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133535930 , Length: Words Count:200


Your friend Inez Garcia plans to attend college in the computer field in a few years, but she wants to explore other educational opportunities in the meantime. She has told you about online college-level courses, available to anyone, via the Internet. These are called massive open online courses, or MOOCs.

Many are free, and some are paid, mainly certification courses.

EdX is a supplier of MOOCs that partners with MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, the University of Texas, and others.

Research the subject of MOOCs. Find examples of MOOCs at the EdX website at www.edx.org. Examine the available courses in an area that interests you and note three that you might like to take and why. Write up your findings in a 200-word document.

Reference no: EM133535930

Questions Cloud

What technologies and tools were used in the attack : What technologies and tools were used in the attack? When did the attack happen within the network?
Briefly describe the approach designed by the authors : What kind of problem is presented by the authors and why this problem is important? Briefly describe the approach designed by the authors.
Propose three strategic recommendations to address : Critically evaluate whether the companys communication mix demonstrates a strong or weak alignment to your findings in the first and second assessments
TED talk video-Dolly Chugh talks about bounded rationality : Dolly Chugh talks about bounded rationality Ms. Chugh suggests that, like our minds subconsciously processing eleven million pieces of information
Explore other educational opportunities in the meantime : Your friend Inez Garcia plans to attend college in the computer field in a few years, but she wants to explore other educational opportunities in the meantime.
What industry do you want to work in and why : What industry do you want to work in and why? What are some obstacles that can get in your way and slow or stop you from reaching your 5 Year Career Plan?
How they apply in a mental health context : explain the following terms and give an example of how they apply in a mental health context. Dignity of risk Dignity of risk means you have the right to live
Describe significance of recording a computer time offset : Briefly describe a procedure for capturing video of a crime scene. Describe the significance of recording a computer's time offset.
Explain how this statement applies to a contemporary : explain how this statement applies to a contemporary understanding of madness as it relates to marginalized populations. Provide examples.


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