Explore non-pornographic sexual websites

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Reference no: EM13854944

REACTION PAPERS: Each student is required to participate in 2 learning activities outside class this semester and then write 2 reaction papers summarizing what you did and learned. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn something about yourself, your relationships and/or any topic related to human sexuality and sexual health. Due dates are listed in class outline. Papers need to be turned-in during class. Papers may not be left in my mailbox or emailed. You may turn papers in early. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Each paper is worth 25 points. Papers will be graded on both content and format. This is a college class and I expect to receive college material - including proper grammar and spelling. Papers need to be typed and stapled. Papers need to be 1-3 pages long (either single or double-spaced). Pick-up and save your graded papers until you receive your final grade for the class.


1. Read an article from a magazine or journal.

2. Read chapters from The Guide to Getting it On.

3. Watch relevant TV programs and documentaries. A great source for documentaires is www.topdocumentaryfilms.com.

4. Take surveys and/or give them to others to take/discuss with you.

5. Attend a relevant lecture, workshop or conference.

6. Read a book related to sexuality or relationships. Look at the list of recommended books I've provided. You are not limited to that list.

7. Watch a movie relevant to class. Do look at the list of movies I've recommended. You are not limited to that list.

8. Individual "Field Trips" to community agencies, sex toy stores, Museum of Tolerance, or more controversial places like an adult book store, erotic dancing, gay establishment/event, dungeon, or nude beach. In order for these to count it needs to be a new experience for you.

9. Interview persons whose sexuality or sexual experiences/socialization is different from yours. Prepare by making a list of relevant questions.

10. Have a detailed conversation with a friend or someone you'd like to be closer with about each other's sexuality.

11. Participate in small group discussions with other classmates.

12. Explore non-pornographic sexual websites. See list of recommended websites. You are not limited to these websites.

13. Accept some of my challenges!

14. Anything else that would be meaningful to you. I do encourage you to think about activities or projects that would be personally meaningful. You may create a special project or do some research of your own. Do not participate in activities that are against the law for reaction papers.


1. All papers should be properly identified with your name and class, and titled Reaction Paper #1 or Reaction Paper #2.

2. Clearly identify what you did and what it was about. List reference. Include your reasons for choosing this activity or topic. For example: a. Title of article, author, source, date. b. Title of TV program/documentary, channel, date. c. List place you visited d. State your project (interview, challenge, etc.)

3. List 5 statements of information or facts you learned (things you learned about topic, person, yourself, etc). Please number your statements and make sure they are clearly visible.

4. Summarize your reactions, feelings and opinions regarding your learning activity. This should be the main part of your paper. I want to know what you got out of the activity and why you responded the way you did. If you are writing about past painful/abusive experiences you do not need to follow required format. There are also a few challenge papers when you don't need to follow the required format (touching, values, gender). I will remind you of this when I challenge you. Write the paper as an essay. If you are caught plagiarizing (copying someone else's ideas or research) or allowing someone to copy your work, you will receive an 0 for the paper and you won't be eligible for extra credit. Your name will be sent to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.

Reference no: EM13854944

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