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Reference no: EM133803757

Assignment: Market Research for ISP's in Florida

Hello, I am doing research on ISP companies in Florida and I want detailed information and analytics. Here is what I am looking for:

To conduct ISP market research for the current state of Florida, you may want to consider the following steps:

I. Check ISP Websites: Visit the official websites of major ISPs that operate in Florida. Providers like Comcast Xfinity, AT&T, Spectrum, and others often provide details about their plans, prices, and network speeds.

II. Comparison Websites: Utilize online comparison tools or websites that aggregate information about different ISPs and their plans. Websites like BroadbandNow, HighSpeedInternet.com, or similar platforms allow you to compare available options in your specific location.

III. Local Reviews: Look for reviews and feedback from users in Florida regarding their experiences with different ISPs. This can give you insights into the reliability and customer satisfaction levels of various providers. Get the instant assignment help.

IV. Contact ISPs: Reach out to ISPs directly to inquire about their current plans, pricing, and available speeds. Customer service representatives can provide up-to-date information on the services they offer.

V. Community Forums: Explore local community forums or social media groups where residents discuss their experiences with internet service providers. This can provide you with real-world perspectives on the quality of service.

VI. Government Resources: Check with local government or regulatory agencies in Florida that oversee telecommunications. They may provide information or reports on the performance and service quality of ISPs in the state.

I also want a solution on possible ways to make an ISP company different than the others, based off of the information researched.

Reference no: EM133803757

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