Explore issue related to race social class and inequality

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Reference no: EM131886911

Assignment -

Purpose - To explore a current issue from an anthropological perspective. Emphasis will be on issues related to race, social class, inequality, identity, and globalization.

Overview - For this assignment, you will explore an issue related to race, social class, inequality, identity, and globalization. If you are interested in something else, simply contact me to discuss it. You will select one of anthropology's subfields to use as a focus for whatever topic you choose. For example, if you choose to look at sex trafficking, you could do it from a cultural perspective that focuses on economics and social class, or biological that focuses on disease or reproductive issues. Your work should be as holistic and relativistic as possible. Cross-cultural comparative work is encouraged along with consideration of the biocultural approach. You will create a five-minute podcast to present your work.

Podcasts will be evaluated by some of your peers and the average used to calculate the score on the podcast portion of the project; I do reserve the right to revise that score if I do not think it is an accurate reflection of the work. Required elements will be graded by me.

Working with a partner - If you want to work with a partner you may do so; however, it is up to you to find a partner on your own. If you work with a partner then there will be an additional 30 points added to the project. Your score for the 30 points will be based on evaluations provided by you and your partner. If you decide to work with a partner, you must email me and let me know once you have found a partner and agreed to work together. If you work with a partner, your score for the Required Elements and Podcast will be the same. The scores for the Peer Reviews and Podcast Evaluations will be based on your own work.

Please note that not working with a partner does not negatively impact your grade at the end of the quarter. Because I calculate grades on percentages, it works out the same in the end because I will use 627 points instead of 597 points to calculate your grade in the class.

Instructions -

1. Keep in mind at all times that this is a project for anthropology. I am going to be looking for use of anthropological concepts and approaches, e.g., holistic approach, relativity, analysis is free from ethnocentrism, ethnological, etc.

2. Choose a subfield and a topic. I am happy to discuss possible topics with you.

Here are some examples to get you thinking:

Cultural anthropology - Example topics include:

  • changing ideas about marriage and family over time
  • problems faced by modern hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, or horticulturalists because of agri-business (or the market economy in general)
  • food insecurity among college students

Biological anthropology - Example topics include:

  • Pandemic disease
  • Disease associated with globalization
  • Primate conservation

Archaeology - Example topics include:

  • Debate over who owns the past
  • Archaeological sites in danger of destruction
  • Issues associated with archaeo-tourism

Linguistic anthropology - Example topics include:

  • Language change due to contact with outside cultures
  • Language loss
  • How language reflects social issues, e.g., gender, race, social class, nationalism

3. Begin researching the topic.

You must use at least three sources.

Compile a Works Cited; Chicago Style citation conventions must be used.

All resources must be suitable for an introductory college class. This means that you will have to evaluate any web sites you find using a search engine for suitability. More information on this below. If you haven't already, then you might consider reading the College Level Research page available in Modules.

4. Create a script. This doesn't have to be a word-for-word thing that you read for the podcast. It is fine if you use an outline-do whatever works for you. You will be turning in your script so you will need a typed version.

5. Find some media to include in your podcast. This could be music or an audio clip from a movie or interview.

You must include at least one media element other than the voice track.

Note: For further information see "Media" section in the separate file, "Creating Your Podcast," posted with the assignment instructions.

6. Create your podcast. Please read the "Creating Your Podcast" document for tips on creating your podcast.

Podcasts must include the following:

  • Your name
  • Statement that the podcast is for a class at Cascadia College.
  • At the end you must acknowledge media sources and state "All media used for this podcast are incorporated under the fair use guidelines for education."
  • If there are people in your podcast who are not in the class, you must have them sign a release form. This can be found posted with the assignment instructions.

7. Practice your podcast. Make any changes that you feel are needed. Remember, you will get some peer reviews on your work before the final version is due.

8. Record your podcast. Save it in .mp3 format. If you have your podcast online, you may submit a link for it, but please make sure that the podcast is freely available to anyone with the link.

9. Complete your peer reviews.

I have to manually assign peer reviews, so please don't email me about peer review assignments unless you have not been assigned any 24 hours the drafts were due. Peer reviews will be assigned ONLY if you submit a draft of your podcast on time. If you do not submit your draft on time, you will not be assigned any peer reviews and will lose those points.

10. Read your peer reviews and make changes to your podcast should you decide to do so.

11. Submit your final version of your podcast.

12. Evaluate the podcasts to which you are assigned. The podcasts you evaluate will be different than the ones you were assigned for the peer review.

13. If you worked with a partner, submit your partner evaluation (form posted with the assignment instructions).

Podcast Evaluation - What we're looking for in the podcast:

  • Is it anthropological?
  • Is it creative?
  • Is the podcast logically organized?
  • Is it understandable?
  • Did we learn something?

Required Elements (evaluated by me)

Works Cited

  • College-level sources
  • Minimum three sources
  • Chicago Style employed
  • Media source(s) included (does not count towards your minimum three sources)

Consent forms, if applicable; these must be photographed and embedded in your Works Cited document.

Partner evaluation, if applicable

Podcast elements:

  • Your name
  • Statement that the podcast is for a class at Cascadia College
  • At least one media element in addition to the voice track
  • Media acknowledgement
  • Fair use statement

Outcomes Addressed

Learn Actively

  • Construct an understanding of anthropology's subfields
  • Use anthropology's holistic, relativistic, cross-cultural, and biocultural approach to understand the human experience
  • Demonstrate understanding of the historical, political, scientific, cultural, and/or socioeconomic interrelationships between the local and global (GS)
  • Reflect explicitly on how one's global positionality (perspective, affinities, and values) shapes what is experienced and how it informs judgments (GS)
  • Find general sources suitable for anthropological research (InfoLit)
  • Explore open-source scholarly material and web sites related to anthropology (InfoLit)

Think Critically, Creatively and Reflectively

  • Assess general sources, open-source scholarly material, and web sites for use in college research with instructor and librarian support (InfoLit)
  • Question own culture and assumptions to make sense of other cultural behaviors
  • Develop the ability to identify key issues, understand the assumptions underlying arguments, and recognize the way that historical and cultural context affect meaning (GS) (CKR)

Communicate with Clarity and Originality

  • Express understanding of anthropological knowledge using oral, written, or multimedia methods
  • Apply Chicago Style citation conventions (InfoLit)
  • Demonstrate intercultural understanding and sensitivity, by integrating cross cultural verbal and non-verbal communication practices and skills when engaging with others (GS)
  • Develop the ability to identify key issues in the global arena, understand the assumptions underlying the arguments, and appreciate their intended audience and historical and cultural context (GS) (CKR)
  • Articulate and engage with anthropological research questions (InfoLit)
  • Describe how ethnocentrism impacts perception and recognize its implications within a global society

Interact in Diverse and Complex Environments

  • Demonstrate an understanding of cultures within their own historical context
  • Demonstrate the ability to listen for, to and across differences, by articulating one's own frame of reference and its application in reference to others (GS)
  • Contribute to the creation of a community of learners by engaging with others to better understand the course material

Reference no: EM131886911

Questions Cloud

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Explore issue related to race social class and inequality : To explore a current issue from an anthropological perspective. You will explore an issue related to race, social class, inequality, identity, and globalization
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3/5/2018 12:47:45 AM

Grade Breakdown - Peer Reviews: 20 points (score posted separately), Podcast Evaluations: 10 points (score posted separately), Required Elements: 10 points and Podcast: 60 points. You must use at least three sources. Compile a Works Cited; Chicago Style citation conventions must be used. If a Works Cited is not turned in, you will lose 15 points. All resources must be suitable for an introductory college class. This means that you will have to evaluate any web sites you find using a search engine for suitability. More information on this below. If you haven't already, then you might consider reading the College Level Research page available in Modules.


3/5/2018 12:47:38 AM

One source type that cannot be used is a general encyclopedia such as Britannica. Subject encyclopedias such as those found in Gale Reference (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. are acceptable. Submit a draft of your podcast to the assignment on Canvas. Due: 4, 11:59p. Failure to complete peer reviews results in a loss of 20 points. Peer Reviews due: 8, 11:59p. Submit your final version of your podcast. If you are not making any changes, then you do not need to submit anything new. Due 12, 11:59p. Evaluate the podcasts to which you are assigned. The podcasts you evaluate will be different than the ones you were assigned for the peer review. Due 15, 11:59p. If you worked with a partner, submit your partner evaluation (form posted with the assignment instructions). Due 15, 11:59p.

Write a Review

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