Reference no: EM133507490
Professional Behaviours and Valuing People
TASK ONE. Professional, ethical, and inclusive behaviours
AC 1.1 Appraise what it means to be a people professional (Approximately 200 words)
Provide a definition of ‘Professional' (supported by references). Write it from your own view and experience (how being a People Professional makes you feel; what you believe is important as far as behaviours, ways of working, what you do and how you do it)
• Provide a definition of the term ‘professional'.
• Explain what it means to be a people professional, referring to your own professional and personal values.
• You must refer to the CIPD Profession Map within your answer and reference this.
• You should answer this AC from the perspective of being a people professional.
AC 3.1 Explore how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development (Approximately 300 words)
How is the role of a People Professional evolving? How is this evolution of People Professionals impacting on CPD? What are the key characteristics of good-practice CPD?
• Explain how the role of the people professional has changed over the last few years.
- For example, the post-pandemic world, emerging technologies, and remote working practices.
• Give 2 examples of how you have approached your own CPD to meet these changes.
How is the HR changes in last three years
AC 1.2 Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice (Approximately 300 words)
• Explain the concept of ethical values.
• Choose a minimum of three personal values(e.g.,fairness, honesty, inclusivity, integrity, valuing others).
• Explain how each of your chosen values impacts how you approach your work as a people professional
- e.g., how you build relationships, how you approach decision-making, how you handle conflict.
AC 1.3 Consider the importance of people professionals contributing to discussions in an informed, clear and confident way to influence others (Approximately 300 words)
• Explain why it is important for a people professional to contribute confidently and courageously to discussions.
For example lead by example and should be data grievance ,
Explain the skills you would use to influence and inform others in a clear and engaging way.
- Consider factors such as tone and volume of voice, checking understanding, clarifying points, active listening, using evidence to support arguments, adapting content to suit the audience.
AC 1.4 Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation. (Approximately 300 words)
• Give 1 example of a policy implementation or a leadership approach that conflicted with ethical values or a specific aspect of legislation.
• Briefly explain the issue and how it breached legislation or ethics.
- e.g., the implementation of a new policy that indirectly discriminated against a protected characteristic. If you refer to legislation, remember to state the exact law and reference your source.
• Explain how you would raise this issue. Who would you raise it with, and what process would you go through?
Inform Employee relation and integrity line
AC 2.1 Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued and fairly treated at work, linking to related theory (Approximately 300 words)
• Carry out some research to provide a definition of what is meant by inclusivity, fair treatment and valuing peoplewithin the workplace.
• Choose 1 motivation theory (for example Daniel Pink's 3 elements of motivation, McClelland's 3 needs or Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs).
• Use your chosen theory, to argue the business benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and treated fairly.
- This may include - Reduced dispute and conflict / Increased retention / Increased efficiency and effectiveness.
• Use your chosen theory to argue the human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and treated fairly.
- This may include -Job Satisfaction / Enhanced worker wellbeing / Motivation.
AC 2.2 Discuss strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices (Approximately 400 words)
• Give an example of a people practice issue.
- E.g., absenteeism, high turnover, dissatisfaction with reward, lack of employee engagement.
• Give an example of a policy or an initiative that was created to address this issue.
- E.g., a new sick leave policy, a retention strategy, a new reward programme, employee voice opportunities.
• Explain how this policy or solution was designed to be inclusive
- E.g., how could you engage others in the design and implementation? Who could you involve? What methods would you use to collect ideas?
• Explain two methods that could be used to check that the policy or initiative engages with, and meets the needs of employees.
- How would you gather feedback to check that the policy is fit for purpose? Surveys, consultation, informal chats etc.
We have to give example and how to solve it or company for example update the policy
TASK TWO. Professional Development
AC 2.3 Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others.
AC 3.2 Assess your strengths, weaknesses and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others.
Overall word count for your narrative for both AC's should be 150 words
In the text box,you must provide narrative for both AC's. We advise you use two AC sub-headings to clearly show you have addressed both
AC2.3 Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others. (Approximately 50 words)
• Reflect on 1 example of how you have worked inclusively and built positive working relationships. Make it clear what skills and behaviours you used.
Example how you buildrelationship with other department
AC 3.2 Assess your strengths, weaknesses and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others. (Approximately 100 words)
• Identify 2sources of feedback from others you have received that you have used to support your self-assessment judgements(e.g., comments from customer feedback, performance appraisals, 360 review, 1-1s)
• Identify 1 key strength and 1 key weakness from your self-assessment and briefly justify your choices
AC3.2 Tables/Screenshots
You MUST cover all of the 5 core behaviours regardless of which option you choose (Ethical Practice, Professional Courage and Influence, Valuing People, Working Inclusively, Passion for Learning)
You must choose one of the following options for Activity 1:
Option 1(online):
• Access the CIPD Profession Map Self-Assessment Tool (you will need your email address and password for this). You must be a member of the CIPD to access the online self-assessment tool.
• Go to page 9,read the instructions on how to use and complete the self-assessment tool.
• You must take copies/screen shots of the activities you have completed and add them as an appendix to your assignment. The screen shots form part of your evidence for this AC. Please add clear headings to explain what each screen shot shows.
• Remember we need to see evidence of self-assessment against all 5 core behaviours
Option 2 (offline):
• Go to the Self-Assessment grids on page 12(Appendix 1)
• Put anXin the box that best reflects your current level of performance (problem area, satisfactory or performing well). You MUST complete all 5 templates.
AC 3.3. Formulate a range of formal and / or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey (Approximately 250 words)
This AC is about planning your CPD activities to meet your learning needs. Consider the range of learning opportunities available to you and for each development objective decide on the most appropriate initiative to support your learning journey.
• Write a CPD plan that contains details of specific activities that you will undertake in the next 12 months, that will help you develop skills to meet your needs.
• We suggest following this table format for your plan (you must havea minimum of 3 entries):
Development need identified from self-assessment grids. What formal or informal learning development will I undertake? What resources or support will I need? What will my success criteria be? Target date for review and completion (month and year)
You should provide sufficient detail in your entries to make it clear what activity you intend to undertake
• In the text box on page 10 for AC 3.3, explain WHY you have chosen the activities outlined in column 2 of your table. These should link with your self-assessment in AC 2.3 and AC3.2
- Consider your learning style, possible costs, flexibility, time away from work etc.