Explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy

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Reference no: EM131596020

Where Did the Theory Come From

This Assignment addresses this course outcome:

Explain how theoretical frameworks influence advance. Purpose The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field.

As in other fields of study, nursing has a plethora of theorists and theories. These theorists have developed their paradigm over time enriching it with research and dialogue with other theorists. Directions You are going to explore how a theorist of your choice created his or her theory. Did it develop as an acorn becoming a mighty oak over the decades?

Did it arrive as a burst of light like the big bang as some believe created our universe? Was it developed from a blueprint like a spaceship where thousands of scholars worked together to create a rocket to the moon?

In point of fact, how is a theory developed? This is what we are exploring.

You will pick a theorist who interests you, it does not have to be a nurse theorist. You may also choose from other disciplines such as: behavioral, leadership, business, education, technology.

You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current. As you read, look at how you (taking on the persona of the theorist) developed the theory. In the first stage, theorizing occurs.

This is where you, as the theorist, identify the concepts of what nursing is and is not. Perhaps you questioned what concepts were guiding those in nursing practice and then started to question your role.

You started asking yourself, "Where am I in nursing, and where the profession is going? Is there some overarching concept that guides the professional in his or her practice?" This is where you recognize that a theory is needed. In the second stage, syntax is developed. This is where you will define the terms.

Look for changing definitions of terms. Consider, for example, Jean Watson. She starts by defining the word "caring." Within the last ten years she has refined her terminology changing the term caring to caritas. This demonstrates a growth and maturation from decades of research she and other scholars did to produce the theory of caring.

The third stage is theory testing. Defined as the phenomena behind the theory that are exposed through research. The definitions of terms are refined. The theorists and other researchers consider whether this theory helps answer questions that arise in practice. This is where your theory is used in by a widening group of researchers.

For example, graduate nursing students request the tool you developed while testing your theory. The fourth and last stage is evaluation. This is where philosophical debate occurs as the concepts are applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care. Assignment Details For this Assignment, you are going to write an article for a nursing journal explaining how you developed your theory through the four stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation).

Your paper must be 3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages. To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements Before finalizing your work, you should: . Minimum requirement of at least 5 sources of support. be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); . be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and use APA 6th Edition Pls one of the reference should be Butts and Rich 2017 Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice.

Verified Expert

This assignment is an analysis of the Need Theory in nursing as proposed by Virginia Henderson. The history of the development of the theory is studied in this assignment. There are 14 fundamental needs that are also mentioned. Finally the theory was tested in a real life case. An evaluation of the theory is also presented.

Reference no: EM131596020

Questions Cloud

How do you recognize signs of stress : How does stress impact the body? How do you recognize "signs" of stress?
What would be the equity accounts be after stock dividend : What would be the number of shares outstanding after the distribution of the stock dividend? What would be the equity accounts be after the stock dividend?
What recommendations would you give to improve : If you were a psychologist working with this person on improving their EQ, what recommendations would you give to improve the character's EQ?
The cost of security either goes up by factor : Suppose that, in each period, the cost of a security either goes up by a factor of u = 2 or down by a factor d = 1/2.
Explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy : Purpose The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field.
Discuss the various types of critical incidents : The chief of police of the City of San Bernardino County Police Department (California) has approached your team to develop an Interagency Mental Health.
Discuss your results from the eq assessment : Discuss your results from the EQ assessment. How do your results provide insight into how you interact with family members, friends, and coworkers?
What is your estimate of the stock current price : A company has just paid a dividend of $ 2 per share, D0=$ 2. What is your estimate of the stock's current price?
Write a function to implement regularization based training : Write a function to implement regularization based training procedure for 1D regression. Write a report to summarize and discuss your results.



9/9/2017 5:45:55 AM

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8/10/2017 1:13:00 AM

All organization, documentation, and references must follow APA format. 20% Poor spelling and grammar are apparent. Does not use APA style formatting when needed. Poor spelling and grammar are apparent. Rarely uses APA style formatting when needed. Uses Standard American English with rare errors and misspellings. Minor errors in APA style formatting. Consistently uses Standard American English with rare misspellings. Appropriate mechanics and APA style formatting. 4 20% 0.80 100% 4.00 Final Score 150 Percentage 100.00% Total available points = 150 4 Rubric Score Grade points Percentage Low High Low High Low High 3.6 4.0 135 150 90% 100% 3.2 3.59 120 135 80% 89.99% 2.8 3.19 105 120 70% 79.99% 2.4 2.79 90 105 60% 69.99% 0.0 2.39 0 90 0 59.99%


8/10/2017 1:12:44 AM

Stage 4: Evaluation:…15% This part of the assignment does not address any or all of this section. Provides one to two examples of how theory is applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care. Provides three to four examples of how theory is applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care. Provides at least five examples of how theory is applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care. 4 15% 0.6 Conclusion- presents a broad look at the four stages you went through to develop your theory and projects its future use in the nursing profession-15% There is no indication the author tried to make a conclusion Conclusion is weak with moost points not supported. Some of the conclusions, were not supported. The author was able to make succinct and precise conclusions 4 15% 0.60


8/10/2017 1:12:20 AM

3. Stage 2 Syntax:15% This part of the assignment does not address any or all of this section. This part of the assignment contains one term, clarity needed to definition This part of the assignment contains one term clearly defined This part of the assignment contains at least two or more terms clearly defined 4 15% 0.60 4. Stage 3: Theory testing: in this section you will describe…15% This part of the assignment does not address any or all of this section. Provides one example of how theory was applied within quantitative/qualitative research to different populations in nursing. Provides one example of how theory was applied to quantitative/qualitative research to a widening group of researchers outside the discipline of nursing. Provides two or more examples of how theory was applied to quantitative/qualitative research consisting of different populations and a widening group of researchers outside the discipline of nursing. 4 15% 0.60


8/10/2017 1:12:13 AM

MN 502 Unit 5: Where Did the Theory Come From Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient/Mastered Score Weight Final Score 0 -1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 1. Introduction-brief paragraph or two that describes the purpose of the manuscript -5% This part of the assignment does not address any or all of this section. "The introduction does not identify the purpose of the assignment. " Purpose of the assignment described missing key elements Purpose of the assignment clearly described in a paragraph or two 4 5% 0.20 "2. Stage 1: Theorizing; ….15% " This part of the assignment does not address any or all of this section. This part contains one concept identified to what nursing is and what nursing is not. This part contains two concepts identified to what nursing is and what nursing is not. This part contains at least three concepts identified to what nursing is and what nursing is not. 4 15% 0.60

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