Reference no: EM133414768
Google Certification Assignment
Instructions: Successfully complete two of the six Google Analytics Academy Courses. The Analytics Academy Courses include Google Analytics for Beginners, Advanced Google Analytics, Google Analytics for Power Users, Getting Started with Google Analytics 360, Introduction to Data Studio, andGoogle Tag Manager Fundamentals.
You might want to begin with the Google Analytics for Beginners and then choose a second course from the remaining five. However, this is not required, although selecting othercourses might be more difficult to pass.
Some of you may not be interested in mastering website analytics. If you want to explore an alternative online course that would allow you to get a reputable* certificate related to marketing research, email the instructor with details of the alternative online course and how it is related to marketing research/course topics at least two weeks prior to the assignment due date.
You may submit up to two additional Google Analytics course certificates (OR up to two additional, alternative assignments approved by the instructor), each of which can add 2% to your overall grade. Thus, a total of four percentage points of extra credit could be earned if you complete two additional courses. Email the instructor if you have any questions about an alternative assignment or this extra credit opportunity.