Explanations on fixing c++ code errors

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1378928

What is the output of this code sequence?
int [ ] a= {12, 48, 65};
for (int i =0; i < a. Length; i++
System.out.println (a [i] );

Where is the error of this sequence?
Integer i 1 = new Integer (10);
Integer i 2 = new Integer (15);
Double d1 = new double (3, 4);
String s = new string ("Hello");
Integer [ ] a = {i1, i2, d1, s);

This method takes an array of ints as a parameter and returns an array of Booleans. For each element in the parameter array whose value is 0, the corresponding element of the array returned will be assigned false; otherwise, the element will be assigned true.
public boolean [ ] foo (int [ ] a)
// the code is missing here


Reference no: EM1378928

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