Explanation of the planning and designing of the network

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132109946

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

This assignment is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:

d. Analyse and report on the current and future state of the internetworking infrastructure and its applications.
e. Implement a process to support the administration and management of internetworking.

Assignment Description

Project Scope: A typical network layout diagram of a firm is given below for illustrative purposes only. The service requirements are enclosed.

1245_Network layout of a firm.jpg

Figure. Network layout of a firm

Service requirements

1. 5 departments with 5 subnets. Only admin, HR and the finance department will have all the access to the services available. Engineering and sales have access to the print server and file server but not to the finance department.
2. IP network design
3. Hardware requirements with costs specification
4. Configuration details on the hardware (Routers and Switches)

Report requirements: The report should have a detail explanation of the planning and designing of the network. It is recommended that bullet points are only included whenever necessary.

1. Project Scope

2. Project requirements

3. Network design - Consider the human factor design concepts

4. IP addressing in a tabular form (include justification whenever necessary)

5. Network topology diagram (Netsim preferred)
- Switch configuration
- Router configuration
- DHCP configuration

- The access point and server configuration guidelines
- Security configuration

Reference no: EM132109946

Questions Cloud

What is the purpose of the name : What is the purpose of the name? Why did you decide to use this particular name? Who might be the intended audience for the name be?
How unmet healthcare needs are placing individuals : Identify and discuss your personal concerns around the needs of this group from the healthcare perspective.
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What statement does she make about race in america : The Younger Family faces internal and external conflicts in this play, what factors does Hansberry suggest have the greatest impact on the outcome of the story?
Explanation of the planning and designing of the network : Overview of Internetworking - Network requirement analysis and plan - explanation of the planning and designing of the network. It is recommended
Compare the depiction of female characters : Compare and contrast the depiction of female characters in Oedipus Rex, Twelfth Night, and A Raisin in the Sun. What does each author suggest about the role.
How often do you consult with a healthcare professional : How involved would you say you are in researching information related to the health of other people in your life? Examples?
Key elements of current risk management standards : You could be expected to outline the purpose and key elements of current risk management standards.
How each form is similar and different : Ancient Athenian theatre, Commedia del Arte, American musical theatre, and Classical Japanese Bunraku are all very Presentational styles of theatre.



9/11/2018 2:18:52 AM

Hi mate, pls make sure you guys read the whole pdf of this assignment and also follow all the instructions or format should be correct. Moreover, pls check the plagiarism and it should be plagiarism free. THANK YOU


9/11/2018 2:18:22 AM

Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a Title Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

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