Explanation of the benefits of actions

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131524479


You just became the lead security person at a small company. Assume normal setup, e-mail, company Web site, internal servers, and so forth. Although your title is not chief security officer (CSO), you report directly to the chief information officer (CIO). The person who was previously in your position moved out of state and does not respond to calls or e-mails. The CIO tells you, "You have 90 days to get that area together! I want to see your high-level approach by Monday morning." You have three inexperienced but energetic people on your team, and it is Friday afternoon.

Discuss the following:

  • What are the 4 key actions you need to take within the first 90 days (or sooner)?
  • Who will be involved?
  • Include an explanation of the benefits of these actions  

Remember, this is high level, so write two or three paragraphs with the 4 action items highlighted. The majority (90%) of your report will outline what has to be done, and the remainder (10%) should include how this will be done.

Reference no: EM131524479

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Explanation of the benefits of actions : You just became the lead security person at a small company. Assume normal setup, e-mail, company Web site, internal servers, and so forth.
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