Reference no: EM133150568
Petroleum Production Engineering - Teesside University
Drilling Engineering
Write a report based around the production of petroleum that either you are familiar with, if you work in the industry, or that you can adequately research based on the resources available to you.
You are advised to initially submit a short plan to the module tutor indicating the range and depth of the area to be covered and to get the subject area approved before continuing with the preparation of the final report.
Topics to be considered where appropriate are:
- An overview of the theory underpinning petroleum production.
- An explanation of the appropriate control mechanisms.
- An overview of the fundamentals of petroleum production processes, systems, procedures and equipment.
- A discussion of the context of the chosen area of study to the concepts, meanings and objectives of petroleum production activities.
- Design aspects of the various petroleum production components.
- Mechanical design of various components.
Attachment:- Drilling engineering.rar