Explanation of current reading performance for the student

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133458265

Case Study: Elementary School StudentStudent A: Third grade female•English is the student's first language.•Student does not have an IEP but receives Tier 2 RTI support.•Lexile Level = 420-600.•On a phonics screener, the student scored in the 20th percentile.•The student is very shy and does not wish to read aloud. She tries hard on assignments but needs a lot of direction to complete them successfully.•The student struggles with spelling and cannot read multisyllabic words. When reading aloud, she ignores all punctuation marks and sounds robotic.•The student has a good friend in class, and they enjoy playing kickball at recess.•The student enjoys horses and drawing. (FROM THE reading case studies the one I chose)

Many students struggle academically across content areas because they are performing below grade level in reading. The ability to assess students, analyze assessment data, and work with families and other stakeholders to develop specific intervention plans is critical in helping all students achieve their academic goals. Clearly communicating information about student skills and proposed interventions to all stakeholders can ensure collaboration in the development and implementation of the plan.

Questions: Review the "Reading Case Studies" and select a student that will be the focus of the assignment. Using the data provided, develop an intervention plan for the student. The intervention plan should address the following:

  • Explanation of current reading performance for the student, including specific grade level literacy performance data.
  • Identification of at least two assessments that could be administered to obtain more data on the student's strengths and areas of need.
  • Identification of at least two state grade level/content area standards that align with the student's learning needs.
  • Creation of two reading performance objectives for the student to meet, within the context of the identified state standards.
  • Selection of two interventions to help the student progress toward meeting the selected grade level/content area standards. Include a rationale for the use of each intervention.
  • Description of two progress monitoring/summative assessments that could be used to document and monitor student progress, including the frequency of implementation. At least one online tool should be included.
  • Identification of at least one technology-based application or program that will help the student build literacy skills and a rationale how use of the tool will benefit the student.

Reference no: EM133458265

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