Explanation for antisocial personality disorder

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133534004


1. What is one of the most common reasons individuals with antisocial personality disorder end up in therapy?

2. Throughout this case study, what behaviors did Dee manifest that fit a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder?

3. What did Dee do that is consistent with antisocial personality disorder during her time in the emergency room?

4. What are the statistics regarding the gender of people with antisocial personality disorder?

5. How did the clinical interviews in the inpatient admission unit help inform Dee's diagnosis?

6. Give three examples from Dee's mother's story to her friend Marlena that suggested Dee met the criteria for antisocial personality disorder.

7. What are some possible biological explanations for antisocial personality disorder?

8. Why is treatment usually ineffective for this personality disorder?

9. Which of Dee's behaviors is consistent with the personality trait of psychopathy?

10. What is the eventual outcome for many individuals who display antisocial personality disorder?

Reference no: EM133534004

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