Explains how malaria causes infection in humans

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Reference no: EM133436472


1. Why is it recommended that humans eat smaller fish such as anchovies or sardines instead of large predatory fish?

Anchovies and sardines contain large amounts of toxic chemicals, which are then dissolved in fats in the human body.

Smaller fish are more filling than larger predatory fish and help reduce the amount of fat stores in humans.

Some substances, such as mercury, tend to be found in increasing concentrations as one moves up the food chain.

The sardine and anchovy populations are extremely large and need to be reduced to avoid competition for food.

The life cycle of MALARIA parasite 6. When the mosquito bites an infected person, gametocytes are taken up and mature in the mosquito gut 5.

2. Which of the following statements accurately explains how malaria causes infection in humans?

After the mosquito bites a human, the parasite travels through the blood of the infected human. The parasite will reproduce in the liver and infect red blood cells.

After the mosquito bites a human, the parasite travels through the nervous system of the infected human. The parasite will reproduce in the brain and infect brain cells.

Mosquitos bite infected animals, and by doing so, when they bite a human, the disease infects humans.

Once the mosquito lands on the skin of a human, the bacteria is absorbed into the skin and spreads throughout the skin surface, causing infection.

3. A disadvantage of disposing of municipal solid waste in an incinerator rather than in a landfill is that, unlike landfills, incinerators

release few greenhouse gases

cannot be used to generate electricity

pose significant risks of groundwater pollution

produce particulate matter that may contribute to smog

4. Endocrine disruptors affect all of the following except

reproductive system function

immune system function

endocrine system function

circulatory system function

5. This graph shows the dose-response curve for a lethal dose of a particular toxin:

According to the graph, approximately how much larger is the LD50 dose for this toxin than the threshold level?

3,000 mg/kg

8,000 mg/kg

9,000 mg/kg

10,000 mg/kg

6. In which situation has the precautionary principle been most strictly applied?

A chain of health stores is allowed to sell over-the-counter vitamins that have not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for adverse effects.

A foreign marketplace relaxes restrictions on a newly developed fertilizer after testing demonstrates that the fertilizer poses few long-term risks to the local environment.

A local board of health closes a restaurant after health inspectors discover several mice and cockroach nests in the kitchen.

A school board, responding to fears that antibiotics and artificial growth hormones given to dairy cows can harm children, mandates that schools serve only organic milk.

7. Which of the following is a likely cause of eutrophication?

A factory that discharges hot water into a lake

A sewage system that leaks agricultural waste into a stream
An abandoned mine that drips acidic water into a river
I only

II only

I and II only

I and III only

8. This graph compares the dose-response curves for a lethal dose of a particular toxin and a dose that results in kidney damage:

According to the graph, approximately how much larger is the LD50 dose for this toxin than the ED50 dose resulting in kidney damage?

5,000 mg/kg

15,000 mg/kg

20,000 mg/kg

40,000 mg/kg

9. This diagram shows the treatment process used at a certain water treatment plant. Shortly after the plant is constructed, the operators discover that water treated at the plant still contains large particles of dirt and alum that clog up pipes leading to and from the filtration beds.

Lake or Reservoir Flocculation Disinfection Filtration

Source: AWWA Drinking Water Week Blue Thumb Kit

Which process is missing from the water treatment plant?

Chlorine is added to kill any bacteria or microorganism that may be in the water.

Dirt and other sediment in the water attach themselves to the alum to form floc.

Heavy particles settle to the bottom after alum is added to the water and before the water is piped to the filtration beds.

Water passes through layers of sand, gravel, and charcoal to filter out even smaller particles.

10. Paper contributes to 90 million tons of waste annually. Which of the following methods shows a 20% reduction due to a change to current practices?

Bring reusable bags when shopping; this would result in 18,000,000 fewer tons of waste

Increase recycling efforts; this would result in 1,800 fewer tons of waste

Reusing cardboard boxes for storage; this would result in 180,000,000 fewer tons of waste

Use digital communication instead of writing on paper; this would result in 18,000 less tons of waste

11. Manuel's father always told him that when he changes the oil in his car, he needs to make sure he has a collection container to drain the synthetic oil into and paper towels to clean up any spills. Manuel did not listen to his father and would hose off any oil spills from the driveway. Which of the following is an effect on the environment from Manuel's negligence?

Manuel's driveway will be discolored, and the oil he used will make his car go slower.

Manuel's father will take his car away and not let him drive anymore.

Runoff will contaminate the waterways, causing harm to aquatic organisms.

The oil will run down into the grass and turn the grass black.

12. Tertiary treatment of wastewater includes

adding chlorine to disinfect water before it is discharged

chemical processes to remove any pollutants left in the water

implementing UV light to disinfect large solids that float to the top

introducing bacteria to the sewage to break down organic matter

13. Which of the following accurately describes how environmental pollution can cause a transmissible disease?

People who are exposed to radon gas are at risk of developing lung cancer.

People who eat animals in which toxins have bioaccumulated are at risk of contracting Lyme disease.

People who drink water that has been contaminated with untreated sewage are at risk of contracting cholera.

People who swim in water bodies that have been contaminated by acid deposition are at risk of developing rashes.

14. In this diagram of a typical municipal solid waste landfill, which labeled section is part of the leachate collection and removal system?

15. A river near a factory has been contaminated with chemicals. This is an example of



nonpoint source pollution

point source pollution

16. Which of the following is an impact on either individuals or populations from pollution of oil?

Children exposed to oil in fetal development have shown a loss of IQ.

Oil floating on the surface of water can coat the feathers of birds and marine animals.

Long-term exposure to oil can cause cancer, lung disease, kidney disease, and convulsions.

Oil affects only the individual organism that consumes it with minimal effect on the food chain.

17. Which of the following is a human activity that impacts wetlands?

Bicycling to work

Fertilizing the yard

Planting trees in a park

Walking a pet

18. Which statement identifies the cause for thermal pollution in a lake?

A boater fueling his boat from the dock on the lake

A child feeding bread to fish near the shore

Flood irrigation methods utilized by farmers

People swimming in the lake near the shore

19. Before the 20th century, there was a widespread cultural practice in the United States of dumping waste materials into moving bodies of water. This practice removed the waste from the immediate location, but often the polluter lost track of any consequences to anyone or anything downstream.

On June 22, 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland burst into flames when sparks from a passing train set fire to oil-based pollution floating on the water's surface. The fire on the surface of the river, a tributary to Lake Erie, nearly destroyed two bridges that spanned it. The fire embarrassed members of Congress and highlighted the need for far-reaching legislation that could clean up the nation's rivers, especially those that moved through metropolitan areas. The Clean Water Act (CWA) was passed in 1972 to regulate surface water and establish standards for water meeting needs for human recreation.

The goal of the Clean Water Act was to have U.S. rivers and lakes pollution free by 1985, but almost 50% of rivers were still not up to the standard by that time. Legislation had helped clean up industrial wastes and sewage, but non-point pollution is still a problem for many waterways.

1. Identify two likely non-point source pollutants of the Cuyahoga River.

2. Describe two human activities that have impacted the health of the Cuyahoga River.

3. Glycol ethers, which are solvents in brake fluids, are common endocrine disruptors found in wastewater run-off from roadways. Describe the effects an endocrine disruptor could have on human populations surrounding the Cuyahoga River.

4. Explain the environmental effects excessive pollution can have on aquatic river systems.

5. The Clean Water Act and subsequent legislation mandated that industries stop dumping wastes directly into bodies of water by building sewage treatment facilities to clean sewage water before it discharged into lakes and rivers. An average wastewater reclamation plant treats 42 million gallons a day. Calculate the amount of pollution-free water it could release into Cuyahoga River in a year.

Reference no: EM133436472

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