Reference no: EM132292061
Instructions: Read the case scenario below and address the situation. Your entry will be evaluated for clarity, integration of information from the text and scholarly literature, and for evidence of proofreading.
Case Scenario
Luis, 41, and Maria, 40 have immigrated to the US from Paraguay with their seven children and Luis' parents. Luis and Maria have started a new business. Luis' father has died, leaving a grieving elderly mother. Maria, who thought she was experiencing menopause, is actually pregnant and Luis has just found out that he has a progressive, debilitating disease.
You are a caseworker and you have just received a file with this family's name on it. This family has needs collectively, as well as individually.
After reading the file, you must start preparing to meet with this family. You need to start thinking about needs the minute you get this folder. Let's start there. Do they speak English? What should you do in case they do not? This should cue you to future needs as well. Think about the children. Who may need to know that the children will be enrolling in the school system (school counselor)? Who may need to realize the history of this family and that these children will have needs? (They have moved to a new country.) I wonder what services we could find to help keep the kids busy and interacting outside the home. What about grief? This entire family has gone through many changes. What do you think may be beneficial regarding these changes?
Maria is 40. Does being 40 and pregnant raise any red flags for you? She is caring for a grieving family, 7 children and her ill husband. I am wondering if any churches or any local volunteer services could help her. I wonder what type of healthcare/prenatal care she is receiving or if she realizes the importance of prenatal care. I wonder if she has insurance or if she will need to go to a clinic for care. What about Luis? The same attention needs to be placed on providing care for him as well.
This family is experiencing overwhelming changes. Sometimes when working with clients if they have a visual aid, such as an Ecomap, they can relate to the magnitude of change and they can relate to interventions better as well.
An Ecomap is really for you to use as a tool to help explain to clients what their relationships are to things (you will place these "things" in outlying circles), and then you will use the key to display the relationship between the two.
Example: Maria is a circle within the big circle, and her healthcare should also have an outlying circle. She should have a thick line going between the circles to display a strong relationship, as well as a dashed line to display stress. Of course, Luis, who is represented as a square in the large middle circle, will have the same lines representing the relationship of a strong connection and stress to the healthcare circle, because he too will need healthcare.
Write Part B of this assignment with the intention of explaining your Ecomap to the client. This means you will need to address everything on your Ecomap with clarity and simplicity.
"The ecomap is a wonderful tool that practitioners use to assess specific troubles and plan interventions for the client. The ecomap is a drawing of the client/family in its social environment. An ecomap is usually drawn jointly by the social worker and the client. It helps both the worker and the client achieve a holistic or ecological view of the client's family life and the nature of the family's relationship with groups, associations, organizations, other families, and individuals.
The technique helps users (Clients and practitioners) gain insight into clients' problems and better sort out how to make constructive changes. The technique provides a "snapshot view" of important interactions at a particular point in time" (Pg. 579).
Number each circle on the ecomap and address each number in paragraph form in Part B.
This means every circle must be numbered and have a topic, and every topic must have its own paragraph. You must have at least 10 topics, which means you will have at least 10 paragraphs.
You will also be providing two resources for each person that is attached to a circle. You will explain how the resources could possibly be beneficial to the person, and you will provide the name, address and phone numbers for the client. (Provide resources from the area that you live in).
If I were writing this assignment, I would start with Luis and address his needs, as well as my intentions as his caseworker. For example, I would make a list for myself and write down everything that is concerning to me regarding Luis.
1. He has a progressive debilitating disease.
2. Luis has just started a new business.
3. His father has died.
4. His elderly mother is grieving.
5. His wife is pregnant.
You should be able to look at this short example and come up with more than one concern to place in an outer circle. Explain your concern and provide at least two resources for each concern.
Attachment:- EcoMap Assignment.rar