Explaining what is the deficiency

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Reference no: EM132303293

Question: Over the years, one of the key criticisms of many of the agencies consolidated into the Department of Homeland Security was that they were "stove pipes" and they did not share information, or help each other out. Information held by one agency was not shared with another. One of the findings following the September 11, 2001 attack was intelligence agencies did not share information with law enforcement. In the Introduction to Part 3 of the primary text, William Bratton (2012) states, "In today's increasingly networked world, organizations must collaborate across traditional boundaries or run the risk of irrelevance and failure. No one agency can do it alone" (p. 191).

Initial Post: Identify one of the key issues with information sharing and collaboration identified in Part 3 of the primary text. What is the deficiency? How has the deficiency been addressed? Did the formation of the Department of Homeland Security resolve the information flow?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources. Use APA format to cite your sources in text as well as at the end of your post in the list of references.

Reference no: EM132303293

Questions Cloud

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Explaining what is the deficiency : Identify one of the key issues with information sharing and collaboration identified in Part 3 of the primary text. What is the deficiency?
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