Reference no: EM133526716
Please read the description above and/or watch the video explaining the symposium and its requirements. If you are still unsure about how to proceed with the discussion, please contact your instructor.
This week, we will apply virtue ethics to the issue of who may or may not be a good person. One of the main things that we look at in virtue ethics is what traits of character make us who we are. If I am a good person then I have the virtues like courage, honesty, fidelity etc. If I am a bad person then I have the vices like cowardice, churlishness, or obsequiousness. (Check out the text for some good lists of virtues and their corresponding vices).
So now let's take a look at our source!
Please read the article posted at this link. The author argues that training people to be virtuous is of much greater value than imposing ethical rules on them.
This symposium is a chance for you to discuss together the ethical issues and questions that it raises, your own response to those, and whether that aligns with or does not align with a virtue ethics approach. The aim is not to simply assert your own view or to denigrate other views, but to identify, evaluate, and discuss the moral reasoning involved in addressing all 3 of the following steps:
Describe one historical example of a person who is virtuous, you may want to cite sources for information on their life too. In describing them be sure to list at least 3 different virtues that they possess, and finally try to explain how they became virtuous
Now do the reverse and describe one historical example of a person who is vicious or evil, you may want to cite sources for information on their life too. In describing them be sure to list at least 3 different vices that they possess, and finally try to explain how they became vicious.
Finally think about the article that I had you read and answer this: do you think that virtue ethics is the best ethical theory to apply in creating the kind of society in which we all want to live? Why or why not?
Your posts should remain focused on the ethical considerations, and at some point in your contribution you must specifically address the way a virtue ethicist would approach this issue by explaining and evaluating that approach.
If you have a position, you should strive to provide reasons in defense of that position.