Reference no: EM132332257 , Length: word count:750
Business Communication Assignment -
The complaint letter is one type of common negative message that is routinely sent in a business context.
Responses to complaint letters can be either positive or negative, depending on whether the action will benefit the audience.
Responses to complaint letters are called adjustment letters and can take one of three forms:
1. 100% yes, in which all of the audience's requests are granted or problems corrected.
2. Partial, in which part of the audience's requests are granted and part are not.
3. 100% no, or denial, in which none of the audience's requests are granted.
Assignment 1: Write an email to your supervisor Frank Capra explaining the situation, describing possible solutions, and persuading him to approve the solution you feel best resolves Mr. Gable's situation. Provide proper support and reasoning.
Assignment 2: Mr. Capra approved your recommendation. Write an adjustment letter to Clark Gable.
Assignment 3: Mr. Capra has been impressed with your performance lately and promoted you to manager. He would like to extend the company's return policy during the holiday season and needs you to work out the details and then compose a memo to all employees informing them of the specifics of the policy and ensuring compliance.
The objectives for this assignment include the following:
- Analyze each audience involved carefully, identifying their expectations and the information they will need, as well as anticipating their reactions to the news each will receive.
- Plan each message carefully before drafting.
- Order the information in each message effectively and design the messages for each audience's needs.
- Adhere to CCCBS (clear, complete, correct, builds goodwill, and saves time) principles in all your messages.
- Write each message for maximum you-attitude and positive emphasis at and beyond the sentence level.
- Use strategies we have studied thus far for positive/informative messages, negative messages, and persuasive messages.
Note - 750-1,000 words total (in one file with page breaks between messages). Written + Visual components and Use Chapters 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, and 11.
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