Explaining the details of melodys case

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133636933

Assignment Instructions:

Read the case of Melody below. Then, similar to the way in which the text applies each theory to the same case(s) throughout, choose a different theoretical orientation for each case analysis. Based on the theoretical orientation you select, describe and explain Melody's presenting problems and history in the context of that theory and then provide a proposal for how you would proceed with Melody's case as guided by the selected theoretical orientation. Finally, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using the selected theory in Melody's case. Students must select A DIFFERENT theory for each case analysis. The theories you may choose from are:

Psychoanalytic, Adlerian, Existential, Gestalt, Person-Centered, Behavioral, Cognitive- Behavioral, and Family Systems therapies

For each case analysis assignment, write 4 double spaced pages in total.  your paper. The body of your text should be a minimum of 2 full pages.

1. Introduction
o 1-2 paragraphs describing the selected theory
2. Case Conceptualization
o 1-3 paragraphs explaining the details of Melody's case (i.e. history, presenting problems, other life details) using key concepts of the selected theory.
3. Recommendations
o 1-3 paragraphs providing recommendations for treatment and next steps based on the selected theory.
4. Critique
o 1-2 paragraphs including both the benefits and drawbacks of conceptualizing Melody's case with the selected theory

Melody's Case:
Melody is a 24-year-old Native American female who has been married to her husband for 1 year. Melody lives in a small southern city where she recently moved to with her husband to begin a Master's program in engineering 1 month ago. She is from a larger city 6 hours away where her family lives. Both of Melody's parents are alive and still married, and she has an older sister and younger brother. Melody is well groomed and displays no abnormalities in her mental status. During her initial assessment with the counselor, she was open and repeatedly noted the distress she felt due to her current situation. Throughout the session, she was physically restless and was often quickly tapping her leg on the ground.

Melody stated she decided to seek counseling due to high levels of stress and worry that began immediately after beginning her Master's program. She further explained she believes the stress is directly related to her school performance and worry about her ability to maintain a
happy relationship with her husband now that they are out of college and away from their

families. Melody said she constantly feels that if she does not get excellent scores on school assignments and feedback, she will fail to successfully complete the program. Additionally, Melody mentioned she is the only Native American student in her Master's program, and reported that she worries both the faculty and students look at her differently because of this.

Melody reported that her parents had been supporting her throughout college but now she is financially independent with loan money as her only source of income, as her husband is also in a graduate school program in engineering taking out loans. Melody noted distressing experiences from her childhood with her parents regarding excessive control she felt they tried to exercise on her life, from extracurricular activities to career choice to even romantic choices. Additionally, Melody noted that she has been struggling to adjust to life with her husband as they have been living together for 1 full year now. Melody reported the factors that ultimately led her to seek out help were her husband's concern regarding her current stress levels along with her own fear of "spinning out of control." She reported the stress and worry "consume her life" and have also resulted in decreased abilities to concentrate and focus. Finally, Melody said the stress and worry have not yet begun to negatively affect her relationship with her husband, however, she noted she was concerned that if it continues for much longer, the relationship might be affected.

Melody reported occasional irritable mood due to frustration about school responsibilities. Additionally, she described experiencing specific anxiety symptoms, including worry about school, difficulty stopping this worry, feeling nervous about going to class, and racing heart when thinking about school. When asked about the environments in which these symptoms present, she stated they only occur as related to her Master's program. Melody also reported she has lost 8 pounds since the stress began due to feeling like she has does not have time to eat because of looming school responsibilities. Moreover, she noted a decrease in sleep duration from 8 hours to 5-6 hours per night. Furthermore, Melody described feeling fatigued "pretty much 24/7."

Melody disclosed the only times she does not experience the stress and worry is when she exercises or spends times with friends, although she often worries about the time not spent on Master's program tasks after completing exercise or hanging out with friends. She revealed 3
sources of social support as close relationships with her father, husband, and best friend from college. Melody reported very occasionally drinking alcohol, which she quantified as 1-2 drinks "every now and then." She also reported having a general physical checkup approximately 2-3 months ago, and indicated no chronic medical history, no previous mental health treatment, and no current medications.

Reference no: EM133636933

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