Explaining health insurance portability-accountability act

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1354108

Epworth Healthcare provides mental healthcare services at a number of locations across Australia, employing 500 personnel that include physicians, nurses (e.g., assistant, orderlies, enrolled and registered), a nurse manager, nurses, licensed nurse practitioners, social worker, technologists, data, system and network administrators, etc. Epworth deploys a complex networked information system accessed through wired and wireless local area network as well as wide area network technologies. There are 500,000 records of confidential patient data at Epworth residing in plaintext on a single database. Multiple groups within the Epworth will be accessing and modifying the database daily. This database is accessed directly by a web server which resides in a DMZ environment. A compromise of the database could result in the exposure of all patient data. It was determined that the replacement cost for each record (i.e., contacting and informing the patients, changing account numbers of the patients and providing new cards to the patients) to be $300. The likelihood of the database being compromised is estimated to be 25% per annum.


Based on the information provided in the case study, answer the following questions. Read the questions carefully and use complete and grammatically correct sentences. You must justify your answers in order to receive credit for your answers. Insufficient justification earns 0 points.

Task 1: Based on your knowledge of IT security management, argue for or against the assertions that the Epworth system is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Reference no: EM1354108

Questions Cloud

Show components of organizational structures : Organisation structure and its impact on training - Explain what are the components of organizational structures?
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Show forces of change for synergetic solutions : Explain at least two change models the leader might employ and evaluate the communication necessary to implement change using these models.
Explaining health insurance portability-accountability act : Based on your knowledge of IT security management, argue for or against assertions that Epworth system is in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Productivity or efficiency to the workplace : What are special characteristics, attitudes and talents you possess that add diversity to your workplace? Does American business recognizes that talents such as these add to productivity/efficiency to the workplace? How about where you work?
What kind of equation or background information is useful : A 1kg ball released from horizontal attatched to a 2.5 m string collides ellastically with a 2 kg block at rest. what is the speed of the block after the collision.
Explain the trading techniques : Discuss and explain the trading techniques that can be used with financial futures noting how these securities can be used in conjunction with other investment vehicles including benefits and risks.
Audit program design : Design tests of controls, substantive tests of transactions, and analytical procedures for the Cash Cycle at Apollo Shoes.


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