Explaining first-in-first-out scheduling

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1359424

Q1) Consider a single-process web server that serves static HTTP requests. Requests arrive at the server with inter-arrival times that are exponential random variables with mean 0.5 seconds. In the web server context, the service time of a request can be estimated at the outset based on the size of the requested file. Assume that each request upon arrival specifies the size of the download, and that the file sizes are exponential random variables with mean 125 KB. A request arriving at the server may either immediately start receiving service (if the server process is idle) or queue for service (if the server process is busy servicing another request). Requests in queue are served according to the scheduling policy in use:

a) First-In-First-Out (FIFO) scheduling

b) Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling,

Reference no: EM1359424

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