Explaining costs are classified as opex or capex

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1355849

The organization you work for has leased a building next door to the existing building. The local area networks in the new building and the existing building must be linked to each other. The distance is 657 feet. Both buildings are two stories tall. From the second floor or the roof of each building there is a clear line of sight above the expected height of any vegetation currently in the area.

You have been assigned the task of determining the available wireless methods that could be used to connect the buildings to each other and presenting these options to the executive team. The executive team consists of the CEO, the CFO, and the managers of the five business units. They will need to know the following about each option in terms that nontechnical staff can readily understand:

The way the method transmits data back and forth
The advantages of the method
The disadvantages of the method
The costs of the method
Whether the costs are classified as opex or capex
Whether any permits are required from the controlling jurisdiction
Whether there are any legal requirements that must be meet before deploying it
The inherent security of the method
Whether you recommend this method and why or why not

Reference no: EM1355849

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