Explaining america failures in vietnam

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Reference no: EM133628085


Thinking Through the Past: A Critical Thinking Approach to U.S. History, Volume II | 5th Edition

Lab J: Explaining America's Failures in Vietnam

Reading: Hollitz, 281-305

Prompt: One of the central parts of doing history is to explain causes: how and why wars broke out, protests erupted, legislation was passed, etc. It's more challenging than it sounds. A single individual is shaped by an array of factors, both conscious and unconscious, when making even an ordinary decision. So when trying to explain the actions of hundreds or even millions of people, those challenges compound exponentially. For this lab, your job is to intervene in a historiographical debate and take your own position on an important question: Why did the US lose the Vietnam War? First, analyze George Herring's and Loren Baritz's competing answers to that question. What are their arguments, what assumptions do they make, and what evidence do they use? Then, informed by your reading of the primary sources, develop your own argument. Explain, citing sources, why the US lost the war in Vietnam, identifying where you agree and disagree with Herring and Baritz. Finally, comment on the challenges of determining causation of big historical phenomena like wars.

(Side Notes can you please separate the responses and incorporate it into the questions that addresses the answer)

Reference no: EM133628085

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