Explain your three policies and procedures to the staff

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133595600


This session will give you the opportunity to get the employees' feedback on the policies and procedures you are developing. The HR Manager has ensured that employees from each area of the resort, and working each of the different shifts, will be present at the meeting, so you can get a wide range of feedback.

Prior to delivering the presentation, make sure that you practice your delivery, so you are well prepared. You will be assessed on your presentation technique as well as the content of your presentation.

During the meeting, you are required to act as a positive role model for the staff, demonstrating the professional standards expected of service industry personnel.

Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of your presentation and will organise at least two other students to attend the information and training session in the role of staff members.

The meeting is an opportunity for staff members to participate in the development of the resort's customer service practices, so it is important that you provide the audience plenty of opportunities to give you their feedback. Take notes on this to guide the revisions you will make to the policies and procedures in the next activity opportunity for your audience to ask questions.

Explain your three policies and procedures to the staff, making it clear what is expected of them in terms of customer service.

Inform them that the meeting is the first of a number of staff training sessions designed to enhance the resort's customer service. Ask them if there are particular areas in which they would appreciate more training.

During the meeting you will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

1. Speaking clearly and concisely
2. Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
3. Asking questions to identify required information
4. Responding to questions as required
5. Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

Reference no: EM133595600

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