Explain your reasoning for each case

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131461776


Every company finds it challenging to recruit and select top executives for an international location. The nationals of the host country will be aware of the local laws and customs and may accept a lower wage as well, but may not be familiar with the company's culture and policies. The company's employees, on the other hand, will know about the company's business, culture, and policies, but might not be familiar with the culture and customs of the foreign country.

Your MNC is expanding its operations to South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, or Columbia). The subsidiary in South America will be manufacturing automobile parts. As a human resource executive, you have to decide how you will staff this new location for top- and middle-level management, and other employees.

• Which model will be most appropriate for staffing each group: ethnocentric model, polycentric model, or global model? Explain your reasoning for each case.

Write a two-to-three-page paper in Word format. Utilize at least three scholarly sources in your research. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Reference no: EM131461776

Questions Cloud

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What are economic social and legal systems like in nation : Today, firms around the world need employees with special skills. In some countries, such employees are not always available, and firms then must search abroad.
Explain your reasoning for each case : Which model will be most appropriate for staffing each group: ethnocentric model, polycentric model, or global model? Explain your reasoning for each case.
How has the business cycle affected finagle a bagel : Would bagels sell in Hong Kong? Laura Beth Trust and Alan Litchman planned to find out. Trust was in Hong Kong working in the garment manufacturing industry.
Describe how whole foods uses human capital as a course : Describe how Whole Foods uses human capital as course of competitive advantage. Identify aspect of high-involvement management contain in Whole Foods' approach.
How did the judge treat each party : What was the case about? How did the Judge treat each party? Was there any behavior from the Judge or the parties involved that surprised you
What is a sole proprietorship : What is a sole proprietorship? What are the major advantages and disadvantages of this form of business ownership?


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