Explain your promotional strategy for your product

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131404585

Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation illustrating your promotional strategy.

Compile the information presented in your previous papers. (The previous papers has been on the a new product launch that will allow consumers to "grocery shop" via smartphone)

Include the following in the presentation:

You need slides on the following sections that are in blue. Slides must have speaker notes and references.

Explain your promotional strategy for your product or service. (1 slide)

Include how you will use at least three of the following elements:

Advertising (1 slide)

Public relations (1 slide)

Digital marketing, including social media (1 slide)

Sales promotion (1 slide)

Direct marketing

Event marketing


Develop an initial budget for your plan.

Prepare a pie chart showing the dollars/percentages budgeted for each included marketing activity for the first year.

Provide justification for your choices.

Explain the evaluation and control methods you will use to measure the success of your plan.

Your PPT MUST have discussion notes (formatted per APA) with citations.

References - Your paper must have a minimum of four sources (not inlcuding the text book) from the UOP Library and web.

Reference no: EM131404585

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