Reference no: EM133636328
Imagine creating this report for your CEO to review. Keep your report precise, clear, and professional. For this report:
I. Provide a brief introduction to this report and its purpose.
II. Use the factor from the AHA's most recent Environmental Scan report you chose for the first assessment and evaluate 2-3 environmental issues you feel best relate to this factor and your organization. In the first assessment the AHA Environmental Scan factor I used was workforce: shortages, burnout, and technology to enhance workforce experience (American Hospital Association, 2023).
III. Using the PESTEL, evaluate where the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats exist related to this factor.
IV. Explain the tool you chose for the internal and external analysis and why you chose it.
1. For example, if you chose workforce as your factor, what tool would you use to determine the issues?
V. Explain the environmental issues you identified using the tool you chose and that are related to the AHA factor you chose. Explain how these issues impact the growth of the organization and why.
VI. Explain your plan to address the issues identified in your analysis.
VII. Consider additional data and resources from reputable sources and associations such as the American Hospital Association (AHA), American College of Health care Executives (ACHE), National Center for Health care Leadership (NHCL), National Institutes of Health (NIH), et cetera.