Reference no: EM131589775
Researcher X collected data from a group of women over the age of 40. The focus of his study was on estimating the 'risk of developing depression after age 40.' Prior to data collection, the researcher explained that the results of the study would be made available to participants when the study was completed.
He explained that only aggregate data (group data) not individual results, would be available. Participants signed 'informed consent' forms and the study was conducted. Participants completed a number of different questionnaires along with a structured interview.
The researcher's goal was to determine if he could estimate risk of depression on the basis of a number of different variables including age, marital status, history of depression, physical health, and job satisfaction. When the study was completed, one of the participants wanted to see her results.
The researcher provided her with aggregate data, as stated at the onset of the study. The participant insisted on seeing her individual data, claiming that she had a right to know her own personal risk of depression.
The researcher refused, claiming that she had signed the 'informed consent' agreement prior to participating and that the procedure was clearly explained to her in advance of the study. Has researcher committed an ethical violation? Explain.
Critically Review the APA Code of Ethics
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American Psychological Association (APA). (2014). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments.
Respond in 500 words with three scholarly references. Use citations, cite your references. Please use chapter 3
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