Explain with an imaginary saudi manufacturing company

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133764703

Homework: New Approaches to Supply Chain Management Concept- Logistics Management

Learning Outcomes:

A. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.
B. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership.
C. Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles.


The purpose of this homework is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggestlogistics performance priorities.

Use Saudi digital Library (SDL) search engine.
Search Title: New Approaches to Supply Chain Management Concept. Logistics Integration of "Hub and Spoke" Model.
Authors Name: MINCULETE, Gheorghe; OLAR, Polixenia
Source: Valahian Journal of Economic Studies. 2014, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p21-32. 12p.

Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions:

A. A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer's request. Explain with an imaginary Saudi manufacturing company. (400-500 words).

B. Why in the current modern business, the integration of economic affairs from design to completion is an important priority for every Manufacturing company? (400-500 words).

C. Define the parties involved directly and indirectly in the supply chain and their role in the smooth running of the business. (400-500 words)

Reference no: EM133764703

Questions Cloud

Supervised physical-occupational therapy to improve mobility : Supervised physical and occupational therapy to improve mobility and decrease fall risk. Consult with physical therapist regarding patients ambulation.
Explain situational leadership to your vice president : Explain situational leadership to your Vice President. Determine the readiness level of each employee and explain your reasoning.
Ethical behaviors encompass principles : Ethical behaviors encompass principles that guide individuals to act with integrity, fairness, and respect towards others.
Patient satisfaction program : Plan your evidence-based Patient satisfaction program within the newborn intensive care by writing an executive summary of the project.
Explain with an imaginary saudi manufacturing company : A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly in fulfilling customer's request. Explain with an imaginary Saudi manufacturing company.
In what sense are many of the previous topic we have discuss : In what sense are many of the previous topics we've discussed in this class coming home to roost in issue of women today questioning whether to have children?
Despite health equity being implied in the first two aims : Do you agree or disagree with Nundy, Cooper and Mate's position that despite health equity being implied in the first two aims
Some difficulty with short-term memory : An 80-year-old client lives with his daughter. He has become confused and is having some difficulty with short-term memory.
Discuss what issues problems privatization can resolve : Alha_paper 2 Discuss what issues problems privatization can resolve and how this model provides better solutions for a governmental problem


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