Explain why you think it is an effective ad in china

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131742885

Part E


• Out of the six methods of entering foreign markets discussed in the textbook (e-commerce, sales agents, trade shows, branch plants, licensing agreements, acquisitions), which one do you think is the most suitable for your company? Justify your choice.

• Choose one possible mode of transportation that can be used to deliver your product. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using the chosen mode of transportation.

Part F

Promotion: Where/how will you promote your product?

• Create an Ad campaign that will include the following:

o Describe your ad in terms of the following criteria:

Type of advertising media to place your ad (e.g. TV, radio, print, billboard, Internet banner, direct mail, etc.).

Display of product/service

. Background

Use of colour

Brand, slogan, company name/logos (in both Chinese and English)

Interesting idea (e.g. use of humour, memorable, celebrities, etc.)

Use of caption/text (in both Chinese and English)

Relevant and appropriate visuals

Additional things to enhance the ad (if any)

• Explain why you think it is an effective ad in China. Include any cultural differences and likes or dislikes.

• Create a sample ad! You may use MS Word, Photoshop, or other software to create your ad. OR you can create it by hand using Bristol board, blank paper, etc.

Part G

• Be sure to collect research from company websites, third party business blogs, business websites, and any other reputable source where you can find information about the marketing strategies (i.e. do NOT use Wikipedia).

A minimum of 3 reliable sources is required (i.e. no Wikipedia. Cite all secondary sources using MLA format (in-text citations & Works Cited list).

Reference no: EM131742885

Questions Cloud

Psychological and spiritual value of solitude : what can you add to, or how might you contradict the conclusions of Barbour and of Long & Averill about the psychological and spiritual value of solitude?
Event of a successful security intrusion : Your explanation should be completed in a word document. Include a one-paragraph response for each bullet point listed above.
What organizational commitments to employee training : Think about your own experiences with training and development. What organizational commitments to employee training and development have you witnessed?
Review problem related to the bow : New bow, again. The archer in Exercise I continues shooting arrows, ending up with 45 bull s-eyes in 50 shots. Now are you convinced that the new bow is better?
Explain why you think it is an effective ad in china : Choose one possible mode of transportation that can be used to deliver your product. Explain the benefits and drawbacks.
What are the three areas of personal selling : What are the three areas of personal selling in which ethical and legal issues are more likely to arise. What would you recommend if your were the sales vice?
Average return for us stocks : For the past 200 years, the average return for U.S. stocks (discounting inflation) is 6-8%. Why?
Discuss current options for major us oil : Discuss current options for major U.S. oil companies in today's environment. (see section 9.4 in the text for various choices). What would you recommend?
Respect to approaches to goals and assumptions : Your firm has used bottom-up planning for years, but the subsidiaries' plans differ with respect to approaches to goals and assumptions


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