Reference no: EM133831434
Homework: Leadership Development Plan
Length: 2,500 words.
Learning Outcomes
This homework will measure your ability to:
A. Diagnose leadership strengths and weaknesses as a result of self-homework
B. Create a leadership development plan based on self-homework
C. Describe how to incorporate the feedback into the plan
D. Describe how the plan can make an impact on your future life and career
E. Acknowledge sources of information (format, quality and quantity of references)
You are required to reflect on your own leadership qualities using diagnostic tools. These will measure three specific areas of leadership, and provide an indication of potential strengths and weaknesses. Alongside these, you will reflect on what you learnt about the person you chose as an effective leader in Homework.
Based on your self-discovery from the diagnostic tools and your leadership reflections, you will then consider how to improve your own leadership qualities. You will capture your ideas in the form of a draft leadership development plan.
You will then incorporate industry feedback on that draft plan from a chosen leader, before revising the draft into your final submission.
This is a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) homework task, the purpose of which is for you to build on the knowledge and skills gained from Homework and apply them in a practical situation through a real workplace context and engaging with feedback from industry.
This homework acknowledges the critical analysis and reflection of the person you chose as an effective leader in Homework. It requires you to then move ahead from that base, to reflect and plan on how you will improve your own leadership qualities and effectiveness going forwards. This will be done through two stages:
• Leadership development plan
• Industry feedback
Before you start this homework, you will need to have nominated a leader who will provide you specific feedback on your draft Plan. They must agree to be involved, commit to your timings, and may be approved by your teacher earlier in this course. This leader can be anyone you know who holds a leadership position in an organization. This leader could be the same person as Homework or a different leader.
I. Leadership Development Plan
For the leadership development plan, you are asked to reflect on your own leadership based on what you learnt from the person you chose as an effective leader in Homework 2. Then, you will consider how your own leadership qualities could be improved.
Your first step is to assess your current strengths and weaknesses as a leader (or potential leader). Complete the three leadership diagnostic tools listed in ‘Diagnostic tools' (see Canvas). In this task, you will need to analyze and explain the results of the tests.
Next, create a draft of your leadership development plan using the ‘Leadership development plan template' (see Canvas). The plan must at least maintain the leadership strengths or improve on the weaknesses or further develop your leadership skills identified in your leadership self-diagnosis.
Using the template as a guide, your leadership development plan must identify three leadership strengths/weaknesses/skills and outline the steps you plan to take to achieve them.
Specifically, you must address the following:
A. Explain why you chose those particular strengths/weaknesses/skills
B. Describe any challenges you anticipate and how you might overcome them, or provide justification if do not anticipate any
C. Outline activities that you will undertake (or are currently undertaking). These might include trainings, readings, courses, etc.
D. Suggest real-world situations where you can practise and apply your developing skill (internships, jobs, volunteering, etc.)
E. Plan a date by which you want to achieve your goal
F. Identify the measurements to evaluate whether you reach your goals.
You must review the leadership concepts, models and theories covered in this course to describe how they relate to you and your leadership development plan. The plan should consist of key components such as goals, measurement indicators, specific activities, timeframes, etc.
II. Industry Feedback
In this stage, you must seek feedback on your plan from the leader you have chosen. After you have completed the draft development plan, you will need to submit the plan and provide the ‘Industry feedback checklist' (see Canvas) to your nominated leader.
After receiving the Industry feedback checklist back from your nominated leader, you will first need to reflect on their words. Then, you will incorporate relevant feedback they provided into your development plan. As you update your plan consider the following questions:
A. What did the leader have to say about your draft of leadership development plan?
B. How have you modified your draft because of the feedback? For example, if the leader you consulted said that your timeframe to achieve your leadership goals was unrealistically short, did you then extend the timeframe top achieve these?
C. Were there any feedback that you thought were not relevant? What made them less relevant to you and your Plan?
Next, you will need to answer the following prompts as part of the industry feedback task in your homework:
A. Describe what and how you have incorporated this leader's feedback into your plan.
B. Describe how the plan makes an impact on future lives and careers.