Reference no: EM131261949
In your journal entry, please address the following:
Identify a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that you would like to study throughout the course.
For additional ideas on which not-for-profit organization to select, visit the National Council of Nonprofits-"" website.
If you would like to research a not-for-profit organization in your neighborhood, use your browser to search for the name of your city and the words "not-for-profit," "nonprofit," or "volunteer opportunities." You should find several organizations to choose from.
In your journal entry, complete the following:
Identify the not-for-profit organization that you have chosen for your final project.
Explain why you chose this not-for-profit organization. What appealed to you? Why is this organization a good candidate for the strategic analysis that you will perform for the final project?
What happened to the corporate culture
: Could you have anticipated that these results would have occurred? What happened to the corporate culture? Can project management practices be improved with a major repair to the corporate culture
Identify the relationship of the person interviewed
: Identify the relationship of the person interviewed (e.g. co-worker, family member, friend, fellow student, etc.) and the nature of their work. Also inquire and state to whether they are part of the management team at their place of employment.
How your products and services meet the needs
: Describe the nature of your business and list the marketplace needs that you are trying to satisfy. Explain how your products and/or services meet these needs.
How culture may hinder going global via the internet
: Describe how "going global" via the Internet presents opportunities and challenges. - Give several examples of how culture may hinder "going global" via the Internet.
Explain why you chose this not-for-profit organization
: Explain why you chose this not-for-profit organization. What appealed to you? Why is this organization a good candidate for the strategic analysis that you will perform for the final project?
Create web server access on existing platform
: You can design your own or create Web server access on existing platforms such as (sparkfun, xivley, partcl, google chart etc...) however, it has to draw a chart
Create a presentation toward achievement of civil rights
: Go into your community with a camera and gather evidence to create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of progress made toward the achievement of civil rights of these and other groups in society.
Why do these values differ so greatly from nation to nation
: Why do these values differ so greatly from nation to nation? How would this factor into the idea of cultural distance? Do you believe it would be ethical to do business in one of the more traditionally corrupt nations, such as Russia or Nigeria?
Select a half dozen or so countries
: Select a half-dozen or so countries with which you are unfamiliar, and research basic geographic information about them.