Explain why under american law same-sex couples are allowed

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Reference no: EM133460134

Question: Sandra and Roberto have been best friends since college. They both attended Hosts Community College and graduated with honors. Sandra went on to open her law firm and Roberto is the pastor of a conservative Pentecostal church in the Bronx. One day Roberto calls Sandra on his cell phone and asks that they meet for lunch. During the meeting, Roberto says "My 18-year-old son John just told me he is gay and wants to marry his boyfriend. I got so angry I threw him out of the house." He adds "How could my son get involved in this?" Sandra who is much more liberal on these issues remarks "I used to think the same way as you until I spoke to a student who took Prof. Jordan's class and he/she shared with me the history of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) rights movement and the constitutional rights of gay people. Pretend you are that student that Sandra spoke to and answer, this Question: Using the case of Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) and the history of the LGBTQ movement explain why under American law same-sex couples are allowed to marry?

Reference no: EM133460134

Questions Cloud

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