Explain why their resource interests you and how

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133426909

Question: Explain why their resource interests you and how it will benefit your future profession.

The language acquisition I chose was developmental stages. The first resource I chose was from

Case Study: the American Speech Language Hearing Association also known as ASHA. This website gives you information on speech and language for any age. It also gives the reader information if their child is not where they think they should be. It gives them different situation of why a child may not be at those developmental stages. This website also gives you resources to get a hold of a professional if you feel your child has a speech and language delay. My second resource was from the Stanford children's health website. This website gives you the basics of where your child should be developmentally with their language. It also remind you that every child learns at their own pace. My final resources from the national Institute for deafness and other communication disorders. This resource breaks down the difference of a speech disorder and a language disorder. it also gives you a checklist to go through with your child to see if they are developmentally on track.

Each resource helps with language acquisition by giving the reader the developmental stages for language. It breaks it down into categories of the child's age. I will use these resources to see if a child in my care is having any developmental delays with their language. If they are, then I will use the resources to give the parents information to get a hold of a professional.


Reference no: EM133426909

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