Reference no: EM132412110
Questions -
Q1. Explain what simultaneous equation bias and what effect it has on the estimates using OLS.
Q2. Explain how Two-Stage-Least-Squares works and what its advantages and disadvantages are.
Q3. Suppose that, for a given state in the United States, you wish to use annual time series data to estimate the effect of the state-level minimum wage on the employment of those 18 to 25 years old (EMP). A simple model is:
gEMPt = β= + β1gMINt + β2gPOPt + β3gGDPt + β4gGDPt + ut (1)
where MINt is the minimum wage, in real dollars, POPt is the population from 18 to 25 years old, GSPt is gross state product, and GDPt is U.S. gross domestic product. The g prex indicates the growth rate from year t1 to year t, which would typically be approximated by the difference in the logs.
a. If we are worried that the state chooses its minimum wage partly based on unobserved (to us) factors that affect youth employment, what is the problem with OLS estimation?
b. Let USMINt be the U.S. minimum wage, which is also measured in real terms. Do you think USMINt is uncorrelated with ut?
c. By law, any states minimum wage must be at least as large as the U.S. minimum. Explain why this makes gUSMINt a potential IV candidate for gMINt.
d. Explain how we can test the joint significance of variables gMINt and gGDPt in (1).
Q4. A researcher is interested in the effect of military service on human capital. He collects data from a random sample of 4000 workers aged 40 and runs the OLS regression Yi = β0 + β1Xi + ui, where Yi is the worker's earnings and Xt is a binary variable that is equal to 1 if the person served in the military and is equal to 0 otherwise.
a. Explain why the OLS estimates are likely to be unreliable. (Hint: Which variables are omitted from the regression? Are they correlated with military service?)
b. During the Vietnam War there was a draft, where priority for the draft was determined by a national lottery (Birthdates were randomly selected and ordered 1 through 365. Those with birthdates ordered first were drafted before those with birthdates ordered second, and so forth.) Explain how the lottery might be used as an instrument to estimate the effect of military service on earnings.