Explain why the human resource function should be aligned

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133066812


Overview: This milestone is designed to begin a critical analysis applying knowledge gained within the course. This short paper assignment is the first step in the analysis of the company that will become your final project. For the final project, you will review the human resource management (HRM) in an organization through a real scenario. This case study will give you the opportunity to explore various roles and processes within the human resources profession. A key skill for any professional working in human resources is the ability to develop and implement processes that align with a company's strategic plan and mission.

Begin by reading the first 13 pages of the case study, A.P. Moller-Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives (up to HR-Customer Initiative at Maersk), located in your Harvard Business Review Coursepack.

Start your short paper by briefly answering the following questions:

Question 1. Explain why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization's strategic plan (use ideas from the Module One discussion on this topic).

Question 2. Explain how current global conditions in Maersk's industry impact human resource management practices within this organization (use ideas from the Module One discussion on this topic).

Then, using the material on recruitment strategies provided in this week's lesson and the case study, address the following:

1. Compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates in general.
2. Describe how Maersk has recruited and selected new employees who were aligned with the organization's vision and goals over the years.
3. Assess the effectiveness of its recruitment process and determine what changes if any you would recommend to improve employee success and retention.

Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers Case Study

Case Study - Homegrown Talent: Mary Barra Rises to GM's Top Post


1. Mary Barra's father worked at General Motors. Was her hiring an example of nepotism? If you were a business owner, would you want to hire relatives of your employees? What would the pros and cons of doing so be?

2. What role did Mary Barra play in advancing her career? What role did GM play in "growing" her career?

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

Reference no: EM133066812

Questions Cloud

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Explain why the human resource function should be aligned : Explain why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization's strategic plan (use ideas from the Module One discussion on this topic)
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Opportunity cost to make a decision : Give a real-life example of using opportunity cost to make a decision.
Absolute advantage in the production of coffee : Argentina, 10,000 hours of labor/month:-Producing 1 bottle wine requires 4 hours


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