Explain why such practices are important

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133466466

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The assigned reading discusses the organizational issues associated with "dirty data" and offers recommendations for four ways to overcome common data prep barriers.

For this discussion, assume you work for a small company (100 employees) that is quickly growing (both in terms of revenue and number of employees). As the organization is growing, issues with "dirty data" are beginning to arise - for all the reasons mentioned in the reading.

As a tech-savvy data analyst, you can see that something must be done to keep dirty data from becoming a problem for the company as it grows. You've been granted an audience with the CIO to make the case for putting sound data preparation practices in place. In making the case, you want to explain why such practices are important, and also offer some recommendations for next steps. What will you say? Use the reading to help you make your case. Outside references are also acceptable (please link to them in your response).

Reference no: EM133466466

Questions Cloud

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Discuss what influences what you eat every day : Discuss what influences what you eat every day and provide at least one example (ex: TV ads, busy life, culture, family, religion, etc.).
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Discuss the role parents play in the assessment of the child : Discuss the key elements of Psychiatric assessment and Interviewing of children and Discuss the role parents play in the assessment of the child
Explain why such practices are important : In making the case, you want to explain why such practices are important, and also offer some recommendations for next steps. What will you say?
Determine whether any problems are related : Complete a health history, including allergies, medications, current medical problems, and reason for the visit. Determine whether any problems are related
Importance of incorporating uncertainty subsequent report : Discuss the importance of incorporating this uncertainty into the subsequent report that would be written. However, at a high enough uncertainty.
What types of kpis and metrics do dashboards you use track : What types of KPI's and metrics do the dashboards you use track? How has the use of the dashboard impacted you and/or your organization's performance?
What is the difference between a digital immigrant : Why is it important to understand who the consumers are before making patient information or patient portals available for them to access information?


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