Explain why cash flow management is important to a franchise

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13865756


"Location, location, location!" Site location is critically important to the success of all businesses, including a franchise.

• Explain why location is important to the success of a franchise. From your experience, briefly describe one local franchise who appears to be successful and explain what role location may have to do with the apparent success. Identify another franchise that you are aware of who may have mistakenly chosen a location, and why?

• Use The Location Model (9-3a). Identify and explain the importance of numerous elements to be considered when choosing a location for a prospective franchise site.

• Define "cash flow" and explain why cash flow management is important to a franchisee.

Compose a thoughtful 1,000-word essay in APA format, using 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1" left and right margins. Late submissions will not be accepted


Reference no: EM13865756

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