Explain why asynchronous i/o activity is a problem

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13701190

Task 1
Part A :

Answer the following questions :

1. Reports of computer security failures appear frequently in the daily news. Research and summarise the article that exemplifies one (or more) of the principles: easiest penetration, adequate protection, effectiveness, weakest link. Ensure the link and full reference is included.

2. Explain why asynchronous I/O activity is a problem with many memory protection schemes, including base/bounds and paging. Suggest a solution to the problem.

3. An electronic mail system could be used to leak information. First, explain how the leakage could occur. Then, identify controls that could be applied to detect or prevent the leakage. Justify your answer based on literature.

4. A computer system provides protection using the Bell-La Padula policy. How would a virus spread if:
• the virus were placed on the system at system low (the compartment that all other compartments dominate)?
• the virus were placed on the system at system high (the compartment that dominates all other compartments)?

Part B:

• Task 1. Go to a web site where you do regular banking. Visit this website carefully and answer the following questions:

a. How do you know that the information you type in is secure from phishing?

b. What sorts of protection is provided by the bank to ensure secure online banking? Justify why the bank would use these security measures.

Task 2.

Consider a PIN card entry to a secure area for a publishing company that prints confidential documents for other companies such as exam papers for universities and health record for customers. Suggest some examples of confidentiality, integrity and availability in such a scenario. Summarize the requirements as well as the degree of importance for each item associated with such a system with your recommendation in a brief (250-500) words report. Must follow APA style referencing.

Task 3

Mr. Bob is accessing his personal bank account (through a web browser) using an Internet Café. Mr. Bob has opened a text editor simultaneously along with web browser. Suddenly Mr. Bob suspected that the Café computers are infected with malware called 'software keyloggers'.

As a security expert, you need to describe a scheme that allows Mr. Bob to type his userID and Password that the malware (i.e. keylogger), used in isolation of any screen captures or mouse event captures, would not be able to discover Mr. Bob's userID and password.

Reference no: EM13701190

Questions Cloud

Determine the velocity and position of the disk : A 2 kilograms disk is sitting on a very large, frictionless table top. determine the velocity and position of the disk
Find what the magnitude of the net electric field : Two point charges are separated by 25.0cm. Find the magnitude of the net electric field these charges produce at point A
What is the magnitude of the balls velocity : In a World Cup soccer match, Juan is running due north toward the goal with a speed of 7.60m/s relative to the ground. What is the magnitude of the ball's velocity
Find the distance she travels before she catches him : Kathy tests her new sports car by racing with Stan, an experienced racer. Both start from rest, but Kathy leaves the starting line 1.00 s after Stan does. Find the distance she travels before she catches him
Explain why asynchronous i/o activity is a problem : Explain why asynchronous I/O activity is a problem with many memory protection schemes, including base/bounds and paging. Suggest a solution to the problem -
Estimate how long did it take to fly through the air : A football is kicked from the ground and clears the goal post by 5 ft. Assume initial angle of 45 degrees. How long did it take to fly through the air
Calculate the protons acceleration : A proton is placed in a uniform electric field of 2900N/C. Calculate the proton's acceleration
Obtain its velocity just before it hits the ground : A catapult launches a test rocket vertically upward from a well, giving the rocket an initial speed of 80.2 m/s at ground level. What is its velocity just before it hits the ground
Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words : Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.):


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