Explain why a strategy cannot be considered ethical

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13926985

1. Explain why a strategy cannot be considered ethical just because it involves actions that are legal. Provide an example to support your position.

2. The author states that a company that pursues and achieves strategic outcomes that boost its competitiveness and strength in the marketplace is in much better position to improve its future financial performance. Do you agree? Explain.

3. Describe why successful low-cost leaders are exceptionally good at finding ways to drive costs out of their businesses.

4. The author states that business leaders who want their companies to be regarded as exemplary corporate citizens must not only see that their companies operate ethically, but they must personally display a social conscience in making decisions that affect employees, the environment, the communities in which they operate, and society at large. Why is this important?

Reference no: EM13926985

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