Reference no: EM133204809
On December 3, 2021, employee Elise Pavel was working on the night shift at S.W. Steaks Company. Elise walked into the freezer area to gather 2 boxes of steaks and transport them to the shipping and receiving area. Each box weighs 5 pounds (2.27 kg).
As Elise enters the freezer area, she notices the temperature seems warmer than usual. Elise immediately realizes there is a problem with the freezer cooling system. As Elise turns to report her concern to her supervisor, she slips and falls in the pool of water on the floor. Elise slowly gets up off the floor and limps over to talk to her supervisor, Yvonne Trail.
Yvonne immediately calls for help from the local Joint Health and Safety Committee. Elise is evaluated at the local emergency department and diagnosed with a strained lower back. The attending physician provides Yvonne with a medical note stating she is to be off work for 2 weeks and then start a gradual return-to-work program. Yvonne's regular work schedule is eight-hours a day, 5 days a week. The gradual return-to-work program is to consist of 4 hours of work/5 days, then 6 hours of work/5 days a week, followed by Elise returning to her regular 8- hour weekday. Elise has the following restrictions during her gradual return-to-work: No lifting goods over 2 pounds (0.9 kg).
Country : Canada
You are responsible for overseeing Elise's disability case and her return-to-work. Please provide answers to the following questions.
Question 1. Does S.W. Steaks have a "duty to accommodate" Elise's restrictions? Explain.
Question 2. Explain "who" needs to be involved in Elise's gradual return-to-work program (names and/or job titles) and explain the role each individual will play.
Question 3. What will you do if Elise tells you that she is unable to return to her regular job duties when her gradual return-to-work program is complete?