Explain which crime types support your argument

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131675617



The purpose of this short essay is for students to demonstrate critical thinking skills when it comes to analyzing Rational Choice Theory. Specifically, I want to gauge how well you understand: a) the underlying assumptions of rational choice theory; b) how to apply the underlying assumptions of rational choice theory to specific crime types; and c) how deterrence theory fits within rational choice theory.


There are three parts to this short essay. The first part calls for students to make an argument regarding the rationality of crime. The second part calls for students to use examples of specific crime types to support their argument concerning the rationality of crime. The last part asks students to explain the effects of deterrence as it relates to your argument concerning the rationality of crime.

To summarize, these are the elements you need to address in your essay:

1) Make an argument stating whether or not you feel criminal activity is rational.

2) Identify and explain which crime types support your argument regarding the relationship between rationality and crime.

3) Based on your argument regarding the relationship between rationality and crime, describe how effective deterrence would be (or would not be) for reducing crime and why?


Your short essay must be double-spaced with 12-point font and no longer than 3 pages.

Text Book: Criminology- The Core by LARRY J. SIEGEL, FOURTH EDITION.

Reference no: EM131675617

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