Explain what you would emphasize about the product

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Reference no: EM131673257

Structure of and Theories About Attitudes

Bring to mind an attitude that you have held for a long time. If you could imagine this specific attitude as a structure, what would be the foundation? What has helped to cement this attitude in your thinking? Where might emotion and culture fit in?

This week, you will study the nature of attitudes and the theories that explain how attitudes are structured. You will examine connections between attitudes and concepts, such as beliefs, values,and ideology. You will also apply specific theories to familiar situations. In the process, you will explore how theories about influence and persuasion not only explain common behaviors but also can be useful for achieving specific goals and solving societal problems.

In addition, the focus on ethics continues this week. You will again use ethical standards to guide and evaluate approaches to influence and persuasion in different settings. You will also consider how culture influences attitudes in a given circumstance and why culture is a consideration in effectively changing attitudes.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Evaluate advertisement appeal to target population based on principles of ego involvement
- Apply expectancy-value theory to professional and personal situations
- Evaluate the expectancy-value theory as a persuasive approach
- Analyze the importance of culture on influence

Discussion: Ego Involvement and Influence
Last week, you examined ethical practice as an external guide on the use of persuasion. Another important dimension of persuasion is internal influence. That is measured by how invested a person is in an idea, person, place, or object.

For example, think of a cause that you care about. Researchers would say you are "ego involved" in that case. Ego involvement also varies, from low involvement to high involvement. Consider how easily someone could persuade you to give up this cause or change your view of it. Your answer will give you an idea of how much ego involvement you have invested.

Measuring allegiance to causes is only one example of ego involvement at work. Another example is how your personal investment informs your meaning-making processes when you engage with print material in advertisements.

For this Discussion, you will consider ego involvement as a key influence on decision making, with advertising as the subject. You will imagine yourself as a small business owner who needs to create an online ad for a specific product that you want to put on your website. You will explore how to influence the largest number of consumers to purchase your product.

To prepare:
- Review the Week 2 Learning Resources. In particular, pay attention to Perloff's discussion of ego involvement as part of social-judgment theory, and to the persuasion principles in the Kaptein&Halteren article.(https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00779-012-0585-3)
- Decide on your business, the specific product you want to sell, and who is likely to be your target customer.
- Consider which of Kaptein&Halteren's persuasion principles might work best for influencing your website visitors to purchase your product.
- Think about the component of ego involvement in social judgment theory. Consider how you could create an ad with language that appeals to both consumers with low ego involvement and consumers with high ego involvement.
- Also consider advertising ethics you would need to follow in creating your ad.

Please make each question on bold type, then have the answer directly below

- Briefly describe your business, your target audience, and the specific product you are selling online.

- Present the principle(s) of persuasion you would use to sell this product, and justify why the principle(s) you chose would be best for your ad and target consumers.

- Explain what you would emphasize about the product to appeal to online consumers with low ego involvement and what you would emphasize to attract consumers with high ego involvement. In your response, be sure to demonstrate your understanding of ego involvement and what makes each group of consumers different.

- Select the specific advertising ethics that you were most mindful of in creating your ad, and explain your thinking.

Attachment:- INSTRUCTIONS.rar

Verified Expert

There are 3 parts to this assignment. 1- choosing a product 2- applying a persuasion principle 3- listing advertising ethics I applied it to a solar product combo and used the resources given by the student.

Reference no: EM131673257

Questions Cloud

Outside the control limits are discarded as poor quality : Assume all outcomes outside the control limits are discarded as poor quality, even if some of the discarded outcomes are within specification limits.
Describe four promotional tools that the organization : Describe FOUR (4) promotional tools that the organization can used during their promotion.
Discuss elements in human resources planning process : Identify and briefly discuss the FIVE (5) bases market segmentation. Discuss the elements in Human Resources(HR) planning process.
Why some organizations have a fully unified system : Consider why some organizations have a fully unified system (manufacture, promote and distribute) while others simply focus on one function (e.g. manufacturing)
Explain what you would emphasize about the product : Briefly describe your business, your target audience - Select the specific advertising ethics that you were most mindful of in creating your ad
Discuss the accounting treatment of the emission allowances : Corporate Accounting for Emission Allowances-Discuss nature of emission allowances and provide justification-Discuss how emission allowances should be measured
What are some of the potential benefits of a more formalized : Examine the historical trend this company has experienced for the two products - benefits of using a formalized approach to forecasting these products
Explain the basic concept of smiths standpoint theory : The basic concept of Smith's standpoint theory is that a person's place within society highly influences their perspective and knowledge of society.
How issue creates performance problem for the organization : Use a content theory of motivation or a process theory to explain how the issue creates a performance problem for the organization



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The resources that follow provide background information on the subject of bullying. Access and review these websites to support your Week 2 Assignment. Note: You are not required to create and submit an ad as part of your post. Post responses to the following: Note: Be sure to support the responses within your initial Discussion post (and in your colleague reply) with information obtained from the assigned Learning Resources, including in-text citations and a reference list for sources used. For information regarding how your Discussion will be evaluated, please review the Rubric, located in the Course Information area of the course.

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